مساعد برنامج التمكين Project Assistant – Protection

إعلان وظيفة شاغرة رقم: 4836

المسمى الوظيفي: مساعد برنامج التمكين Project Assistant – Protection

اخر موعد للتقديم: 29.04.2021

متطلبات العمل:

 At least one-year NGO experience in the field of protection programming, with in-camp experience being an advantage.

 University degree (i.e. at least Bachelor level) with a major in social science, law, education or psychology.

 Experience in working with communities in a humanitarian / recovery context.

 Proficient skills with Microsoft Office.

 Strong attention to details.

 Does not reside in the camp.

 Strong human and communication skills.

 Communicate with impact and respect.

 Female Candidates only will be selected for this position.


الوصف الوظيفي:

  1. Support in the Identification and monitoring of protection risks and concerns in the camp

 Monitor protection issues within the camp and provide feedback to the Protection Officer and/or partners based on findings;

 Participate in regular safety and protection spot checks on site;

 Support the Protection Officer in conducting regular safety audits in coordination with protection actors in the camp;

 Hold weekly focus group discussions with female camp residents to identify and analyze protection needs and gaps that exist within the camp;

 Participate in the analysis of protection and safety risks on site, especially on safety risks affecting women and girls .

  1. Support identification of vulnerable camp residents

 Ensure that individuals with special needs are identified during camp registration and through door-to-door visit focusing

 particularly on women and girls with specific needs;

 Ensure that vulnerable households and individuals receive information on services available in the camp;

 Contribute to ensuring that governance committees are set up inclusive and responsive to the needs of the most vulnerable.

  1. Support service mapping and protection referral pathways

 Support the establishment of effective protection referral pathways;

 Ensure that referral pathways are communicated and explained to service providers and camp committees;

 Support partners, service providers, camp management committees and Camp Management team to refer protection cases;

 Ensure that all referrals are tracked and followed up;

 Contribute to the management of a database of protection incidents reported to and by the Camp Management teams. Ensure the protection of all data in the database;

 Inform about protection service gaps during team meetings.

  1. Support in the monitoring of protection mainstreaming in camp activities

 Ensure regular monitoring of protection mainstreaming during distributions;

 Assess accessibility challenges to access services for vulnerable groups/individuals through spot checks, assessments, focus group discussion and analysis of complaints;

  1. Support to establishing/supporting inclusive governance structures on site

 Support the capacity building of governance committees with a focus on female members and protection-related trainings;

 Assess and monitor inclusiveness of governance committees and flag to Camp Manager if any issues are identified;

  1. Participate in the facilitation of trainings and awareness sessions on protection

 Participate in the development and/or review of training materials on protection in liaison with the Protection Officer, CCCM Team Leader, Protection Technical Coordinator and the Camp Manager;

 Facilitate as requested by the Protection Officer trainings and awareness sessions on protection for female camp residents (i.e. incentive workers in particular);

 Support awareness raising on protection in the camp in coordination with the community mobilization team.

  1. Reporting

 Submit regular reports as requested by the Protection Officer.


  • Support for monitoring all protection-related matters (i.e. identify services and gaps) in the camp and refer to Protection Officer for follow-up with the relevant partner;
  • Contribute to mainstream protection standards across all intervening partners’ programming and among other CCCM units;
  • Support for the identification, follow-up and referral of women and girls at-risk and/or in need of protection services;
  • Support women and girls to feel comfortable and safe to raise their concerns;
  • Support and develop effective referral pathways in the camp;
  • Report on all protection activities conducted to the Protection Officer;

JOB PURPOSE: Under the supervision of the Protection Officer, the Protection Assistant is responsible for supporting the provision of all protection activities undertaken by ACTED in the framework of its CCCM programming in the site of intervention. This includes: identification and monitoring of protection and safety issues, ensure effective referral pathways to relevant protection partners but also ensure protection mainstreaming for all actors intervening in the camp, including the other CCCM units. The CCCM Protection Assistant will also be responsible for supporting ACTED to ensure that a protection perspective is integrated in the coordination with other stakeholders, service providers and committee’s representatives in all camp coordination meetings. While completing the above-mentioned tasks, the Protection Assistant will be able to rely on CCCM outreach workers / CCCM skilled data collectors and the Protection Committee.

الجهة المعلنة: Confidential غير معلن

ملاحظات أخرى:

لا يوجد.


كيفية التقدم للمنصب:

يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني /  الرابط الإلكتروني التالي:

To apply for this opportunity, you are kindly requested to read the following points:

1- Read the job description carefully

2- You may need to create a G-mail account

3- Fill in the job application form through the following link:  


مع ضروة وضع رقم الإعلان أعلاه و المسمى الوظيفي  او عنوان الشاغر في عنوان الرسالة (خانة الموضوع).

ملاحظة عامة: معظم الجهات المعلنة لا تقبل التقدم للشواغر إلا بالطريقة الإلكترونية أعلاه.