North Syria Network Work Profile
Our Mission and Objective:
to allow the Candidates easily accessing the available Job Advertisement as well as Tender Advertisement through our Website and related Social Media Gateways. The Idea of North Syria Network started from lacking access to opportunities from the local community in NES, furtherly to deliver the Advertisements to the greatest number of Candidates.
Customers and Trust:
We could be able to win the Trust of over 18 International Non-Governmental Organization and many other private Companies to deliver their advertisements through our panels throughout 6 years and signed almost 150 Partnership-Contracts.
Statistics and Numbers:
Since 2017 we were able to publish over 9,500 Advertisements in more than 65 locations.
Facts of North Syria Network:
We are the only registered advertisement Internet agency in NES and authorized from the local government (North Syria Government).
User-friendly website and content, Customer control panel in Plan, over 1200,000 Hits monthly on our website.
Channels of North Syria Network:
Apart from our website, moderate North Syria Network Team a total of almost 55 Whatsapp Group reaching over 20,000 member, furtherly multiple Facebook Pages and Groups with almost over 200,000 followers as well as Telegram channels and other social media channels.