Data Entry Assistant

Data Entry Assistant

إعلان وظيفة شاغرة رقم: 5944

المسمى الوظيفي:  Data Entry Assistant

اخر موعد للتقديم: 07.11.2021

مقر العمل: Hassakah – Areesha camp / Washokany camp

متطلبات العمل:

  • A bachelor degree with one to two years of experience in data entry/information management fields, preferable in NGOs , with experience in working on distribution projects .
  • Proven ability to work as part of a team
  • very good data entry and analysis skills
  • Skills of writing periodic work reports
  • Good communication skills
  • Proven experience in capacity building, coordinating activities, developing plans and drafting reports.
  • Demonstrated commitment to improving the lives of children in the school and community.
  • Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills, and capacity to maintain relations with community leaders, community members, children, youth and vendors’ associates.
  • Understanding of the situation of children (girls and boys) in rural and urban communities and camps
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Ability to travel independently, including to rural communities and willingness to change work practices and hours and spend time in the field, sometimes in difficult conditions and with limited resources.
  • Strong Kurdish/Arabic skills, written and spoken. Good English skills, written and spoken
  • Strong computer skills (MS Office, including Outlook for email).
  • Commitment to and understanding of the organization aims, values and principles including rights-based approaches


الوصف الوظيفي:

The Opportunity

  • Enter data on a daily basis and keep this data updated.
  • Participation in the process of collecting data related to the fresh food voucher project.
  • Conducting field visits periodically to ensure the process of redeeming the vouchers at markets.
  • Preparing for distributions by printing distribution lists.
  • Archive distribution lists and save them in the designated place.
  • Support field staff to ensure maximum use of fresh food vouchers, providing data and analysis the data.
  • In line with the supervisors’ instructions, prepare and implement the distribution of relief materials and voucher curricula according to the distribution lists for the NGO beneficiaries.
  • Providing information support and guiding NGO beneficiaries during the distribution process.
  • Documenting the distribution process through appropriate procedures (distribution lists, etc.)
  • Assistance in preparing the voucher materials for distribution (handling, sorting, etc.)
  • Ensure compliance with supervisor instructions, distribution line and NGO standards.
  • Ensuring the security and dignity of the beneficiaries, and reporting any violations.
  • Carrying out data registration as required, including vendors, associates and signing the distribution list by the beneficiaries.
  • participating in distribution of fresh food vouchers.
  • Data collection (number of beneficiaries, number and type of rewarding activity).
  • Spend 70% of working days on field level.
  • Perform any other work-related task assigned by the supervisor.


الجهة المعلنة: Confidential غير معلن

ملاحظات أخرى:

لا يوجد.

كيفية التقدم للمنصب:

يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني /  الرابط الإلكتروني التالي:

مع ضروة وضع رقم الإعلان أعلاه و المسمى الوظيفي  او عنوان الشاغر في عنوان الرسالة (خانة الموضوع).

ملاحظة عامة: معظم الجهات المعلنة لا تقبل التقدم للشواغر إلا بالطريقة الإلكترونية أعلاه.


#شبكة _شمال_سوريا