Static CCCM – Complaints Feedbacks Mechanism Officer (NES) مسؤول آلية التقييم والشكاوي

Static CCCM – Complaints Feedbacks Mechanism Officer (NES) مسؤول آلية التقييم والشكاوي

JOB Vacancy Announcement #: 4721

Job Title: Static CCCM – Complaints Feedbacks Mechanism Officer (NES) مسؤول آلية التقييم والشكاوي

Application deadline: 30/03/2021 AT 10 :00AM

Job Requirements:


o At least 3-year experience in an INGOs and/or International Institutions;

o At least 1 experience working in the accountability unit of the AME department or CCCM department of

INGOs and/or International Institutions;

o At least 1-year experience managing a team of assistants;

o University degree in a relevant subject (i.e. social science, public administration, communication, law);

o Intermediate skills with the Microsoft Office Suite (i.e. particularly MS Excel);

o Fluency local language and English (i.e. speaking and writing);

o Ability to translate questionnaire from English to local language;

o Excellent time management skills;

o Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;

o Ability to work independently;

o Strong attention to details.

o Does not reside in the camp or work for another actor active in the camp.


o 2-year Managerial experience, including leading/supervising staff, report writing, meeting facilitation.


  • # of functional Complaints and Feedbacks Mechanism in the camp;
  • # of request for inputs answered within 2 days;
  • # of complaints closed within 15 days.

Job Description:

  1. Implement/Follow up all CFM-related activities in the camp:
  2. Establish/Promote CCCM Complaints Feedbacks Mechanism in the camp:

o Establish, implement and monitor the CCCM CFM in the camp;

o Determine appropriate channels to raise complaints/feedbacks/request in information in the camp-specific context through community consultation (i.e. FGDs, listening groups, KII…)

o Carry out awareness campaign on the existence of the CCCM CFM unit and its mandate by developing adapted;

o Build capacity and understanding among ACTED CCCM team and actors active in the camp on the roles & responsibilities so the CCCM CFM;

o Develop camp-adapted IEC materials on the CFM, ensuring inclusiveness through adapted medium to vulnerable communities;

o Regularly assess effectiveness of all information-sharing efforts and incorporate findings into revised approaches;

o Maintain records of CFM awareness raising and promotion activities (including approximate numbers of participants) and submit to CCCM PM as required;

  1. Ensure accurate registration and timely follow-up of complaints/feedbacks/request for inputs from camp residents and active actors in the camp:

o Ensure the effective functioning the CCCM CFM and that camp residents/partners complaints/feedbacks/request for inputs are adequately captured, analysed, addressed and responded to in a timely manner and utilized by the program and coordination teams;

o Receive complaints/feedbacks/request for inputs through dedicated CFM hotline (i.e. phone call and WhatsApp number), CFM email address and the CFM boxes located in each sector of the camp;

o Receive complaints/feedbacks/request for inputs through CFM desk and through CCCM Monitors;

o Consolidate complaints/feedbacks/request for inputs in the CFM database and classify level of complaints/feedbacks/request to define the course of action and its implementation timeline;

o Treat urgent and/or sensitive complaints with the immediate attention they require, and ensure a fast resolution;

o Maintain confidential and detailed records of all complaints in the CFM database and other electronic and hard copy filing systems, as appropriate;

o Produce a monthly analytic CFM report for ACTED staff, following ACTED template;

o Adapt and improve the CFM based on monitoring of its effectiveness.

  1. Ensure protection mainstreaming through the CFM activities

o Support and consider gender, protection, and GBV concerns in all aspects of activities;

o Adhere and Promote to Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse principles and guidelines (for site residents, ACTED staff, partner agencies)

o Support and promote participation of women, youth, and marginalised groups

o Refer immediately protection cases identified to ACTED Protection Officer for referral to protection actors.

  1. Manage the Governance unit:
  2. Ensure Management of CFM activities

o Support the CCCM PM in devising weekly and long-term work plans for the implementation of CFM activities;

o Ensure regular follow-ups on weekly and long-term work plan implementation of CFM activities;

o Provide inputs for the elaboration of Procurement plans as requested by the CCCM PM;

o Attend weekly CCCM team meetings;

o Flag directly foreseen challenges / issues arise in link with the CFM to CCCM PM, including security incidents;

o Attend inter-actor Operational/Sectorial/Ad hoc meetings in the camp;

o Support the CCCM PM in identifying areas for improvement and developing site strategy;

o Ensure accurate record keeping of project documentation, including photos, as requested by the CCCM PM;

o Ensure compliance to ACTED internal procedures and donor procedures;

o Ensure thorough reporting (i.e. externally: monthly report CFM activities, internally: weekly report to CCCM PM).

  1. HR

o Participation in recruitment of new staff, under guidance of the CCCM PM;

o Day to day supervision and management of CCCM CFM assistants and CCCM Outreach Monitors (i.e. attendance sheet signature, follow-up with finance…)

o Commitment to continuous learning through trainings and timely identification of capacity-building needs and opportunities, in coordination with the CCCM PM / HR department.


The CCCM Complaints/Feedbacks Mechanism (CFM) Officer manages the registration/follow-up of camps residents’/partners’ complaints, feedbacks or request for information in the camp. Through the accurate registration and timely follow up of any complaint/feedbacks/request of information about living conditions/ service provision in the camp, the CCCM CFM unit ensures related information provision (i.e. for request for inputs), subsequent follow-up with actor responsible of the service provision (i.e. complaints) and inclusion of residents’/partners’ feedbacks in the CCCM camp strategy. Additionally, complaints/feedbacks registered through the CFM will orient ACTEC CCCM team’s advocacy works targeting actors involved in the humanitarian response in the camp (i.e. Humanitarian aid coordination bodies, local authorities…). The CFM unit is a separate unit from the CCCM team and reports directly to CCCM PM to ensure neutrality in their mandate and avoid any conflict interest with the other units of the CCCM team.  While completing the above-mentioned tasks, the CFM Officer supervises the CFM unit composed of the CFM assistants and CCCM Monitors. Besides, the CFM Officer is responsible for the implementation of project work plan, for all the CFM-related tasks and any task specifically assigned to him/her by the CCCM  PM.


Under the authority of:


Line Management:



– Other units of CCCM team;

– HR department;

– Logistics for CCCM suppliers;

– Finance for payments of outreach workers;


– Camp administration;

– IDPs in and out of the site;

– Humanitarian Partners (INGO/NGO; humanitarian agencies).


  • Ensure effective communication on the roles & responsibilities of CCCM Complaints Feedbacks Mechanism in the camp to the camp residents;
  • Ensure accurate registration and timely follow-up of complaints/feedbacks/request for inputs from camp residents and active actors in the camp;
  • Ensure proper implementation/follow-up of CFM-related activities;
  • Manage the CFM team.

Advertiser: Confidential غير معلن

Other Information’s:

Nothing to Mention.

Duty Station:

How to Apply:
Please send your CV to the following email/Link:       

Please consider to mention the advert ID (Above) and the job title in the email subject.

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