IM Supervisor

IM Supervisor

إعلان وظيفة شاغرة رقم: 3162

المسمى الوظيفي:  IM Supervisor

اخر موعد للتقديم: 23.06.2020

سيتم الاتصال بالمرشحين المناسبين فقط.

تقبل السير الذاتية المكتوبة بالانكليزية فقط، مع مراعاة ان يكون نوع الملف اما Word أو PDF.

متطلبات العمل:

Required skills:

  • Personal abilities :

o Excellent Computer  skills

o Good level in English

o Ability to work autonomously

  • Technical competences:

o Mobile data collection (ODK, ONA, KOBO…

o  Data management and analysis (Excel, Power Query, Power BI, Tableau…)

o Mapping (GE, QGIS, ArGIS…)

o Mobile data collection (ODK, ONA, KOBO…


الوصف الوظيفي:

Human resources management

  • Participate in the recruitment, coaching (induction, performance evaluation) and training of people under his/her responsibility.
  • When recruiting daily workers, provides training, follow up and feedbacks on their daily task
  • Ensure that the safety rules and logistical and administrative procedures are respected by the personnel under his/her supervision in coordination with Logs and security department
  • Welcome and brief new employees working under his/her responsibility
  • Manage and support the team under his/her responsibility
  • Train his/her team members to use and maintain the available tools correctly
  • Evaluate the performances of his/her team members

Reporting & Communication

  • Ensure good quality of the data received and report as soon as possible to his/her line manager any problem or information having an impact on the activities or reporting
  • Contribute to the analysis and creation of products based on program/security data
  • Ensures the confidentiality of the data
  • Ensure that tools and files are properly archived and secured
  • Participate into learning workshops
  • Support the coordination and program team in the preparation of visual supports needed for presentation materials.
  • Establish and maintain good relations with local counterpart if any
  • Represent SI in his/her field of expertise when asked to do so

Project management & coordination with other teams

  • Contribute in the development of chronograms of activities and field visits related to the different projects and in their data management
  • Contribute in the development of tools and analysis in link with the program teams to facilitate their data management


Information, Data Management and program tools

  • Apply the procedures associated with the proper management and security of program data
  • Contribute on the creation, updates and deployment of forms on the field in link with the program & MEAL team (XLSForm)
  • Cross check and support on cleaning data collected from the field, ensure regular updates of databases
  • Alert on eventual discrepancies and suggest operational solutions
  • Supports in the harmonization of databases/templates

Data visualization and mapping

  • Participate in the production of visualisation from data collected on the field or from other sources, in response to the needs expressed by program teams
  • Participate in the production and updates of maps in response to the needs expressed by the end users

Technical support

  • Create training material based on identified training needs (Data entry, Mobile data collection, GPS use, Data visualization, Mapping)
  • Contribute to conducting IM Capacity building trainings to relevant staff
  • Contributes to provide technical and methodological support to program teams in the creation and use of tools for data collection, monitoring, export, management and storage
  • Support in the training of enumerators for primary data collection


الجهة المعلنة: Confidential غير معلن

مقر العمل: حسكة 

كيفية التقدم للمنصب:       

يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني /  الرابط الإلكتروني التالي:

مع ضروة وضع رقم الإعلان أعلاه و المسمى الوظيفي  او عنوان الشاغر في عنوان الرسالة (خانة الموضوع).

ملاحظة: معظم الجهات المعلنة لا تقبل التقدم للشواغر إلا بالطريقة الإلكترونية أعلاه.