Distribution Officer (Al-Hassaka/ Amuda)

Distribution Officer (Al-Hassaka/ Amuda)

إعلان وظيفة شاغرة رقم: 3015

المسمى الوظيفي:  Distribution Officer (Al-Hassaka/ Amuda)

اخر موعد للتقديم: 21.05.2020

سيتم الاتصال بالمرشحين المناسبين فقط.

تقبل السير الذاتية المكتوبة بالانكليزية فقط، مع مراعاة ان يكون نوع الملف اما Word أو PDF.

متطلبات العمل:

Required skills:

Personal abilities :

  • Previous experience with INGO in Programs required.
  • Ready to work in stressful environment and able to work under pressure.
  • Previous experience in distribution will be highly valued.
  • Previous experience in humanitarian need assessment will also be valued.

Technical competences :

– Languages: English, Arabic, Kurdish.

الوصف الوظيفي:

Information collection/sharing and need assessment

  • To participate in multi-sectorial need assessments and collect general and sectorial information through needs assessments with appropriate tools.
  • Analyse the humanitarian situation, taking protection problems into consideration/Do no Harm to the population
  • Act as a liaison with the local population and authorities in order to identify the needs, grievances and major events that could have potential consequences for Solidarités International activity
  • Promote community participation and mobilization
  • Collaborate with local administration and authorities
  • To participate in Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) surveys: collection and treatment of datas that will allow Solidarites international to assess the outcomes of our intervention and identify pending and unaddressed needs.


  • Under the responsibility of the Supervisor/team leader, take part in logistical and administrative organization, planning, and preparation of distributions.
  • Implement distribution using Solidarités International tools, in particular:

 Take part in the census and registration of beneficiaries

 Implement site distribution

 Recruit and train daily workers

 Delegate daily worker site tasks according to the team Leader’s instructions

 Supervise distribution to beneficiaries

 Participate in awareness raising and/or Hygiene Promotion sessions whenever required

  • Ensure that each registered, identified beneficiary has benefited from distributions
  • After distribution has taken place, calculate and confirm the number of households which benefited and the quantity of goods distributed
  • Gather and replace materials used during distribution
  • Respect Solidarités International’s administrative procedures before, during, and after distribution


  • To be in close collaboration and communication with the supervisor and other members of the team.
  • Report to the team supervisor on the progress of activities and specific tasks assigned, problems encountered, the quality of relations with beneficiaries
  • Pass on any information or problems concerning his/her task, Solidarites International programs, or safety aspects
  • Keep monitoring tools and files archived at the Solidarités International office, ensuring their availability to his/her team leader
  • Archive distribution cards/vouchers, censuses and distribution lists.
  • Under the supervision of the team supervisor, participate in the drafting of distribution reports

 Pass on any information regarding the distribution process

 Extract and pass on distribution statistics to the team supervisor and/or program manager

  • Take part in seminars and training workshops relating to distribution tasks and to goal attainment
  • Take part in restitution meetings and clusters on request
  • To report the required information about the situation on the field: security context, mainly WASH and NFI needs other domain that SI department or NGO can address.
  • To work closely with Supervisors/Program Manager and provide all necessary the data that will feed into weekly/intervention/PDM and monthly reports as well as action plans

الجهة المعلنة: Confidential غير معلن

مقر العمل: عامودا و الحسكة 

كيفية التقدم للمنصب:       

يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني /  الرابط الإلكتروني التالي:


مع ضروة وضع رقم الإعلان أعلاه و المسمى الوظيفي  او عنوان الشاغر في عنوان الرسالة (خانة الموضوع).

ملاحظة: معظم الجهات المعلنة لا تقبل التقدم للشواغر إلا بالطريقة الإلكترونية أعلاه.