طلب شراكة محلية

طلب شراكة محلية


Issuance Date: 29th March 2020   Closing Date: 12th April 2020


An international organization that is providing humanitarian assistance is looking for partners to support in assisting people affected by the Syrian crisis.  The international organization is E is working in Northeast Syria (NES) to support vulnerable women, men, girls and boys in the areas of Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL), WASH, Protection and Emergency Response in Hassakah and Deir er zor supporting IDPs and host communities. The international organization seeks to work with a range of local Syrian organizations with valid operational registrations in the above governorates on strategic humanitarian programming.


In order to improve the humanitarian situation in North East Syria, the international organization is planning to expand current programs to work with local organizations who have unique strengths and knowledge on local context. This call is for consideration of new partnerships.  All qualified local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Hassakah governorate and Dier er zor can express interest for implementing emergency, food security and livelihoods, Water, hygiene and sanitation, protection and social programming activities.


The minimum criteria to be considered as eligible partners include:

  • Legal Status (registered as non-governmental organization)
  • Authorization from local authorities (HAO) to work in Hassakah and Deir er Zor governorate
  • Previous experience in social service activities including community awareness, Emergency distribution, Capacity building, case management services, Protection, WASH
  • Positive working relationships with stakeholders and communities in Hassekeh and Dier er Zor Governorates
  • Experience in managing or running community centers in Haskeh governorate
  • Application form with required documents (refer annex 1)


NGOs interested to work in partnership with the international organisation must send their applications by email to partnershipnes@gmail.com  not later than 18.00 hrs on 12th  April, 2020.

Applicants must Include:

  1. Legal document (registration certificate) and Authorization from local authorities (HAO) to work in Hassakah or Der Zor governorate
  2. Organization Profile or at least one previous report (annual report, activity report)
  3. Application form (annex1): Please do not exceed five A4 pages of size 11 font.

The international organization will use internal partnership committee to review applications on a scoring system basis. After ensuring that applicants meet the eligibility requirements, the committee will evaluate applications. Only those applications found most promising will be contacted to discuss potential projects with the organization. Please direct any questions or queries to the email address above. No question or application will be accepted after 18.00 hrs on 12th April, 2020.

Annex 1 (Application Form)


Date of Submission  


General Organization Information:


Organization name (English)  
Organization name (Arabic)  
Where is the main office (HQ) of your organization? Governorate



Community (or city)

Do you have an office or community centre in Hassakeh city? ¨ Yes ¨ No

If yes, provide address of the office or community centre?

Primary point of contact Name:


Phone/WhatsApp number:

Skype Contact:


Secondary point of contact Name:


Phone/WhatsApp number:

Skype Contact:


Organization web page or Facebook account address/link  

Legal and Governance


What is the establishment date of your organization (month/year)? Month:


Year :

Is the organization officially registered with any of the following authorities? ¨ Self-Administration – Labor and Social Affairs Authority

¨ Syrian government – Labor and social affairs Ministry

¨ Other (please specify)

Is the organization have an approval from HAO to work in Hassakah? ¨ Yes

¨ No

Programming Information


During the past 12 months, have you implemented any of the following activities? Please tick as many boxes as required. o    Protection activities

o    Child Protection activities

o    Gender based violence activities

o    Protection and gender mainstreaming

o    Assessments

o    Trainings for staff or volunteers

o    Group discussions and interviews with local community

o    Social activities

o    Community centres

o    Child friendly spaces

o    Case management

o    Referrals

o    Sport activities

o    Art activities

o    Peace building activities

o    Vocational trainings

o    Awareness sessions

o    Outreach activities

o    Information sessions

o    Non formal education

o    Other (please specify)

During the past 12 months, how many people you supported with above selected activities? Total Number of Male:

Total Number of Female:

Total Number of Youths:

Total Number of Disables:


Provide brief overview of implementation approach for above selected activities (how did you implement above activities in Hassakah)  
Do you have experience in managing community centres?

If yes, provide details of your previously managed community centres and activities

Provide details of your ongoing projects (type of activities, location)?  
Over the next 12 months, are there any activities that your organization hopes to add or expand?  If yes, provide details of these activities, including what will be required to expand or start up.   


Staffing Capacity


Number of female permanent staff:  
Number of male permanent staff:  
Number of female temporary staff:  



Number of male temporary staff:  
Do you have any specialized / technical staff? If yes, provide details?