مناقصة إتفاقية مؤطرة للتزويد بالمستلزمات Local open tender for Framework Agreement for Supplies

مناقصة إتفاقية مؤطرة للتزويد بالمستلزمات Local open tender for Framework Agreement for Supplies

Tender Notice    



Contracting Authority Un Ponte Per (UPP) NES branch operations
Type of procedure Local open tender for Framework Agreement for Supplies
Financing   Various donors
Project/Programme Various Projects
Subject of the procedure The subject of the Framework agreement is Provision of Reagents
Evaluation and award criteria The Framework agreement is awarded to the tender, among administratively compliant tenders, on the basis of the award criteria best value for money.
Tendering The tender dossier shall be requested in writing to the contracting authority at the e-mail address  opentender@unponteper.it

Tenders must be submitted to the e-mail address opentender@unponteper.it no later than 01/12/2021, 23:59 PM