WASH Sector Working Group Information Manager

WASH Sector Working Group Information Manager


BASE AL-Hassaka
POSITION WASH Sector Working Group Information Manager


Our INGO is humanitarian organization which provides aid and assistance to victims of war or natural disaster. For over 40 years the association has focused on meeting three vital needs – water, food and shelter. Currently present in NES since 2017, SI carries out emergency / post-emergency programs in WASH /WASH Rehabilitation/shelter sector in NES region.





Strategic orientation

  • Participate in developing the sectoral information management strategy in accordance with WASH Cluster guidelines and context specific requirements.
  • Participate in Whole of Syria HPC workshop and meetings.


Information systems

  • Specify information systems for the WASH sector needs;
  • Design and/ or update information systems and associated procedures;
  • Control and manage an inventory of relevant documents on the humanitarian situation
  • Edit and provide information requested by WASH partners, NES Forum and ISWG, respecting the appropriate formats (reports, maps etc.);
  • Work in collaboration with its counterparts in the other working groups and partners.


Quality assurance

  • Ensure the quality of data entered in various databases;
  • Provide ad hoc information and data analysis for the WASH WG, WASH partners, NES Forum and ISWG;
  • Assure data quality and security, especially the ones useful for external publication


  • Provide reporting trainings (4W) and identify technical training needs of WASH partners;
  • Develop and/or update training tools;
  • Develop and/or update tools to evaluate the quality and impact of the training sessions;
  • Train the teams on using tools and data treatment with the support Departments (administrative, logistics)



  • Produce maps and infographics in regular and ad hoc basis.

Assessments/ Surveys

  • Lead, Design, conduct and support WASH surveys and assessments;
  • Support on multi sectoral assessments;

Analyze and design products resulted from WASH assessments.

  • Train the enumerators.

Reporting / communication / representation

Report in an timely and accurate manner to WoS, ISWG and NES Forum the WASH Sector activities, achievements and gaps.



Personal abilities: Experience, education and soft skills

  1. University degree in Information Technology, Database Management or equivalent
  2. Experience in the humanitarian sector as information management officer or MEAL manager
  3. Ability to process and analyse complex information
  4. Ability to work closely with partners in a multi-cultural environment
  5. Excellent written and oral presentation skills
  6. Strong negotiation and interpersonal skills
  7. Fluency in Arabic and English

Technical competencies:

  1. Expertise in data storage and file management
  2. Expertise in designing, adapting and issuing Information management tools (Excel, Access, kobo, PowerBI, Mapping etc)
  3. Experience in managing data capture and storage for analysing diverse datasets and presenting information in understandable tables, charts, graphs, dashboards and reports for various individuals and groups
  4. Excellent knowledge and skills on conducting surveys, assessments, monitoring and evaluation


Thanks to submit your application to SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL by this link:



Deadline for submitting applications: 25/11/2023