Safeguarding and Gender, Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator

Safeguarding and Gender, Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator

Safeguarding and Gender, Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator

( 01 Position – NES Based)

The Position (General Position Summary)

The Safeguarding and GDI Coordinator supports all departments within the organization toward ensuring a safe, diverse and inclusive environment both internally within the organization and externally toward the communities we support, including through partners and vendors. Working closely with relevant stakeholders, the Coordinator is primarily responsible for activities that contribute towards the realization of various organizational commitments as identified in the strategy and the global Safeguarding Core Standards. Related to safeguarding, the Coordinator will support the HR Director, Safeguarding Focal Points and relevant Technical Advisor in coordinating and implementing safeguarding prevention work plans and activities. Related to Gender, Diversity and Inclusion, the Coordinator will help to identify, plan for and coordinate the implementation of activities that support the organization to identify and advance gender, diversity and inclusion efforts within the country program.

Essential Job Responsibilities

Safeguarding Prevention, Oversight & Reflection

  • Lead the Whole of Syria Safeguarding Community of practice.
  • With the engagement of the Safeguarding Focal Points in the Hubs and with the consultation of Syria GESI/Safeguarding advisor and the regional safeguarding advisor, develop a SG work plan and support leadership to keep oversight of the implementation of activities supporting safeguarding mainstreaming across all locations and ensuring consistency in the organizations’ approaches.
  • Conduct internal assessments of identified safeguarding risks and the mitigation measures taken
  • Promote a safe and inclusive work culture free of harassment and increased understanding of safeguarding and inclusivity
  • Conduct supervision and monitoring visits to projects and sites on a regular basis and when needed; implementing safeguarding sensitization sessions in project locations
  • Contextualize the organization’s tools, training material and approaches to fit into Syria context and hubs implementation modalities
  • Support the capacity development of the organization’s staff, partners and community members on safeguarding through direct delivery of training (when requested), and close collaboration with PAQ and program teams
  • Lead on Safeguarding Core Standard roll out in collaboration with relevant internal stakeholders in different hubs and the regional office
  • Train and empower program team members to conduct safeguarding risk assessments and ensure safeguarding is integrated throughout the program life cycle
  • Coordinate closely with CARM and identify knowledge gaps where needed; provide close advice to CARM and Safeguarding Focal points especially with regards to community sensitization and completing safeguarding FGDs or surveys
  • Complete annual country office safeguarding risk assessment in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and the leadership team
  • Receive disclosures from staff members and community members, ensuring confidentiality and practicing empathy and non-judgement
  • Discuss and review lessons learned with the Safeguarding Focal Points and Safeguarding Investigator (for the MENA region) on a quarterly basis (frequency as required)

Gender, Diversity & Inclusion

  • Contribute to building an organizational culture that is committed to protecting communities we work with from harm
  • Coordinate activities and forums aimed at improving, developing and sharing best practices across hubs
  • With support of HRD, TA or regional team, strengthen and deliver workshops and training
  • With support of relevant teams and leadership, apply critical analysis skills across hubs and functions to ensure the organization is living up to its safeguarding and gender, diversity and inclusion commitments
  • Under the leadership of HRD, ensure tools and documents are available to managers and they know how to access support when needed
  • Convene and provide administrative and management support to leadership related to the coordination of Safeguarding and Safe, Diverse & Inclusive Working Groups
  • Help to identify, formulate and advance the organization ’s GDI and interrelated inclusion objectives;
  • Maintain oversight of the implementation of the organization’s GDI objectives and plans. Including administrative and management support to the HR Director through formulating work plans, convening planning sessions and managing reporting related to GDI initiatives;
  • Lead or support GDI related activities, projects and work streams, including through strategic contribution.

Supervisory Responsibility

Reports Directly To: Human Resources Director
Matrixed technical support: Country Technical Advisor for Safeguarding, GEDSI & Protection; Regional Safeguarding Advisor; and Global Safeguarding Team
Works Directly With: All departments across all hubs; most closely with HR and program teams.

Knowledge and Experience

  • Candidate with a diploma (We refer to Diploma for high school diploma or below or anything below bachelor’s degree)  or no degree, a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in protection, safeguarding, PSEA is required.
  • Candidate with an undergraduate degree (We refer to Undergraduate for bachelor’s degree) in Social Work, Communications, Law, Education, a minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience in protection, safeguarding, PSEA is required.
  • Candidate with graduate and/or postgraduate degree (we refer to Graduate for master’s degree; Postgraduate for PhD.) in Social Work, Communications, Law, Education, a minimum of 2 years’ relevant experience in protection, safeguarding, PSEA is required,
  • Holds self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modeling the organization’s values
  • Knowledgeable about protection, safeguarding, child safeguarding or similar areas such as PSEAH or sexual misconduct or protection mainstreaming.
  • Fluency in written and spoken Arabic; good knowledge of spoken English.
  • Good data management, data analysis, computer literacy and excellent documentation and report writing skills in Arabic and English
  • Experienced in working with senior managers across different departments and functions
  • Willingness to travel to and work in hard-to-reach areas
  • Diplomatic in their communication and able to speak confidently and sensitively to those who disagree with them
  • Experienced in facilitation and coordination of training and workshop; developing and implementing capacity building plans
  • Experienced in conducting assessments and report writing; able to deliver results against various timelines and priorities


Organizations Commitment towards Safeguarding & Ethics: The organization is committed to ensure that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to the organizations code of conduct policies and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct online learning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.


Interested candidates can follow the links below to fill in their information and attach CVs not later than November 19, 2023:

Organization reserves the right to accept or reject any or all CV(s) without assigning any reason.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the interview.