اعلان مناقصة استئجار سيارات عامودا – رقة – كوباني

اعلان مناقصة استئجار سيارات عامودا – رقة – كوباني

Reference: 23SYKBN44

Subject: Invitation to tender for “Vehicle rental on monthly basis with driver for MdM office in AMUDA, Raqqa and Kobane”

Dear Ms/Mr,

Médicos del Mundo Spain seeks to award a supply contract for vehicle rental on monthly basis with driver for MdM office in AMUDA, Raqqa and Kobane.

A tender dossier can be requested by email to the following address:mdmnestender@gmail.com

The deadline for the receipt of tender submissions is Thursday, May 11th  at 4 pm (Syrian time) – after which further tenders will not be accepted.

The cost incurred by the tenderer in preparing and submitting the tender proposals will not be reimbursed.

Further inquiries or requests for additional information or clarifications should be directed to the aforementioned email address as well as answers to general questions and any further important information regarding the call for tenders will be published on the websites: https://archive.nsjobs.net/category/tenders,

Your sincerely.




Medicos del Mundo Spain – Syria Mission

  1. Publication references




  1. Procedures


National Tender Procedure

  1. Project/Programme




  1. Financing



  1. Contracting entity- decision

Selection Committee – Medicos del Mundo Spain – Syria Mission


  1. Description of contract


Vehicle rental on monthly basis with driver for MdM office in AMUDA, Raqqa and Kobane

  1. Technical description and specification of the products


Type of Vehicle Engine Seating capacity Insurance of vehicle  Year of manufacture
Van (H) 2.4 7 passengers Required 2013 and above in Good mechanical condition
Jeep 2.4 4 passengers Required 2016 and above in Good mechanical condition


Lots of Division


Location Type of vehicle Technical Specification Qty Required Comments
Amuda Van (H1) as per article 7 of this document 3 MDM has sole discretion to divide one lot in more than one company/individual
Kobane Van (H1) as per article 7 of this document 3
Raqqa Van (H1) as per article 7 of this document 2
Raqqa Jeep as per article 7 of this document 1  


Pricing Matrix


Location Type of vehicle Vehicle cost /Month including Fuel/repair Cost Driver Cost per month Total Cost(Vehicle +Driver)/Month
Amuda Van (H1)   3  
Kobane Van (H1)   3  
Raqqa  Van (H1)   2  
Raqqa Jeep   1  




  1. Eligibility and applicable regulations and rules of origin

Participation in tendering is open on equal terms to any natural and legal persons or company or individual, however, to comply with some of MdM’s donors’ rules, participants must clearly indicate their company’s nationality or individual legal status in NES.

  1. Tender evaluation criteria


  1. Administrative Evaluation Criteria.
  2. Certification of incorporation of Company/For individual legal National ID Card
  3. Compliance with Tender documentation.
  4. Physical existence of the Office of the company/ individual.

  1. Technical Evaluation Criteria.
  2. Compliance with MDM-Spain Technical requirement as mentioned in Article 7 of this document.
  3. Compliance with MDM-Spain needs Requirement.
  4. Past experience in the same nature of services
  5. Lead delivery time for availability of vehicle for physical inspection
  6. Safety and Toolbox in vehicles (declaration from the tender in quotation).
  7. Technical Capacity of the staff (driver).
  8. Insurance policy/document


  1. Financial Criteria.
  2. Payment term & condition (before, after supply)
  3. Payment mode (Bank transfer, Cheque, wire transfer or cash)

  1. Exclusion criteria

The offers, all correspondence and documents related to the tender exchanged by the bidder and Medicos del Mundo must be written in English.

  1. Information session and/or site visit

No information session will be organized.


If Medicos del Mundo, either on its own initiative or in response to a request from a prospective bidder, provides additional information on the tender dossier, such information will be communicated simultaneously in writing to all the bidders.

Bidders may submit questions in writing to the following address, ideally by email, , up to five (5) calendar days before the deadline for submission of tenders, specifying the publication reference: 23SYKBN44

Any questions concerning this call for tenders must send them in writing to the following Email address: mdmnestender@gmail.com

Any prospective tenderer seeking to arrange individual meetings with Medicos del Mundo during the tender period may be excluded from the tender procedure.


  1. Tender/quotation validity period

                                       90 days after the tender submission

  1. Procurement implementation periods in case of selection

                                          15 days (estimated)







  1. Costs of bid preparation

       The costs of the preparation of bids will be the responsibility of the tenderer and will not be reimbursable.


  1. Instruction for Tender documentation


  1. Tender Proposal shall include Profile of vendor/Enterprises/Supplier/individual.
  2. Each Page of the tender documents must be signed and stamped by Suppliers/firm/Company/Enterprises/ individual.
  3. Quotation or financial proposal shall be properly signed and stamped.
  4. Technical specifications of the quoted items and availabilities.


  1. Response format

The tender shall consist of one original paper copy placed in a sealed non-identifiable envelope, with the words “not to be opened before the tender opening session” written in English.

This sealed non-identifiable envelope shall be titled:

Tender Reference: 23SYKBN44

The tenders shall be sent by registered mail, by private courier service or by personal delivery against receipt to the following address:

                        Raqqa office:  AL_Furat Neighborhood behind Abo Haif fuel station

                        Kobane office: 48 street eastern side, in front of Bozan bag house

                        Amuda office: Amuda Free Woman round about-the second street to the north( Haroon ArRasheed Street)


So that it is received no later than Thursday, May 11th at 4:00 pm (Syria time)


An electronic version of the offer (either on a CD / DVD or on a USB key) will be much appreciated.


Offers can potentially be submitted by email.

In such case, the same reference shall be used as the email title.

Offers should be sent to mdmnestender@gmail.com

Within the same deadline as offers submitted in hard (paper) copies.

Whichever format is chosen, offers must be received by Medicos del Mundo no later than the deadline of submission on Thursday, May 11th at 4:00 pm (Syria time))


NB: Late proposals will not be accepted and will be returned to the Proponent or discarded.

Also, all proposals will be irrevocable after the Call for Tenders closing date.



  1. Call for Tender Process


Medicos del Mundo reserves the right to negotiate, accept or reject any or all proposals and quotations at its sole discretion and to pursue or act further on any responses it considers advantageous. Medicos del Mundo does not bind itself to accept the lowest prices or any proposal. All proposals will be irrevocable after the Call for Tenders closing date.

Medicos del Mundo reserves the right to select a shortlist of pre-selected suppliers, based on the selection criteria (technical, economical and availabilities of items). Further discussions and competitive dialogue may then be conducted with the pre-selected suppliers, including quantity fluctuation.


  1. Currency of tenders


Tenders must be presented in USD, VAT included.

  1. Language of offers and procedure


The offers, all correspondence and documents related to the tender exchanged by the bidder and Medicos del Mundo must be written in English.


  1. Tender validity period


Suppliers shall be bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days minimum from the deadline for submission of tenders.

However, the Prices and conditions defined in the contract signed with the selected supplier will be valid for six (6) months after contract signature.


  1. Procurement implementation periods

Service must be delivered before May 30th, 2023.

22. Ownership of tendering documents

All tenders or proposals received for this call for tenders will become the property of Médicos del Mundo Spain. Tenderers therefore waive ownership of any tenders submitted.

  1. Modification or rescission of tenders

Tenderers may modify or withdraw their tenders my means of written communication delivered prior to the closure of the tendering period specified in section 13 of this document. Modifications will not be allowed after this date. Tender rescissions will end the tenderer’s participation in the tender process and ill render null and void the terms and conditions of the call for tenders for the tender submitted. The envelope containing this tender must accordingly be marked ‘Modified’ or ‘Rescinded’ as applicable.

24. Opening of tenders

24.1   The purpose of the opening and analysis of tenders is to establish whether the tenders received are complete as per the requisites of the call for tenders.

24.2   Tenders will be opened  by a committee made up of various professional expertise profiles. The committee will take minutes of the session that will be available upon request.

24.3   Information to be made public, at the discretion of Médicos del Mundo Spain, includes the names of the tenderers, the monetary value of the bids offered, any discounts offered by the tenderers, and any modification or rescission notifications received.

24.4   Any release of information related to the analysis, evaluation, request for clarification, the comparison of tenders or recommendations is prohibited during the period between the opening of tenders and the awarding of the contract.

24.5   Any attempt on the part of a tenderer to influence the Committee of Evaluation during the evaluation, clarification, or comparison of tenders or to obtain information relative to the adjudication procedures will disqualify that party’s participation in the tendering process.

25.  Evaluation of tenders

25.1   Financial evaluation:

Any calculation errors must be identified to ensure that the tendered bids are technically equivalent. The Evaluation Committee must correct detected errors in the following manner:

  • when there is a discrepancy between quantities in figures and words, the amount indicated in words will prevail.
  • when there is a discrepancy between a unit price and a total price, the unit price will be accepted as the official bid price.

The corrected amounts calculated by the Evaluation Committee will be considered binding. In the case that the bidder does not accept the correction made by the committee, his/her bid will be considered null and void.

25.2   To ensure transparency and equal treatment, and to facilitate the examination and evaluation of tenders, the Evaluation Committee may request clarifications from each tenderer that has submitted a tender, including a breakdown of unit prices, specifying a reasonable period of time to respond to this request for additional information.  Any request for clarification and the response to this request must be made in writing. Such request does not contemplate nor will admit any changes in pricing or in the contents of the tender apart from those changes necessary for the rectification of errors of calculation discovered during the evaluation of tenders outlined in point 20.1. No request for clarification may misrepresent the content of tenders presented by other parties. Any decision taken concerning the non-conformity of tenders submitted must be justified in the minutes of the evaluation session.

25.3   Criteria of adjudication

Standard criteria for adjudication must be applied except in cases in which a waiver has been approved authorising the use of other criteria. The criteria of adjudication utilised will be that which best addresses the technical aspects of the call for tenders and provides the best quality and the lowest price. The availability of the goods will be also a determinant criterion.

26.  Contract signing and implementation of guarantees.

26.1   The awarded contractor firm will be informed in writing that his/her bid has been accepted (notification of contract award). Before the contract is signed, Médicos del Mundo Spain – Syria mission may request that the winning contractor present documents required by the national legislation in which the firm (or each member of the consortium whenever relevant) is legally established as proof that it/they are in full compliance with pertinent government obligations and regulations.

26.2  The awarded contractor must sign, date and return the contract within fifteen days of receipt of the same document signed by Médicos del Mundo Spain – Syria Mission. Upon the signing of the contract the tenderer will become the official contractor and the contract will take effect.

26.3   If the awarded tenderer neglects to sign and deliver the said contract within the stipulated time period, Médicos del Mundo Spain holds the right to consider the awarding of the contract null and void.

Cancellation of an invitation to tender

In the case that an invitation to tender is cancelled, Médicos del Mundo must notify all tenderers. If the tender invitation is cancelled prior to the opening of tenders, these must be returned closed and sealed to the tenderers.

Cancellation is permitted in the following cases:

  • when the call for tenders has gone unanswered, to be considered the case if no tender has been received or if none merit award due to economic or quality considerations;
  • in the case that technical or economic aspects of the project have been fundamentally modified;
  • when extenuating circumstances or circumstances beyond the control of the organisation render the project impossible;
  • when tender bids complying with the technical criteria are beyond the budgetary resources of the organisation;
  • when irregularities in the tender process have occurred, particularly in matters related to fair competition.

In no event will Médicos del Mundo be deemed responsible in any way for any damages or for consequential losses stemming from, or related in any way to, the cancellation of a call for tenders, even in the case that Médicos del Mundo may have been advised of the possibility of a filing of a claim for damages. The publication of a call for tenders does not suppose any legal obligation on the part of Médicos del Mundo to undertake or implement the programme advertised. 

  1. How to resolve questions concerning tender documents

Suppliers with questions concerning this call for tenders must send them in writing to the following Email address: mdmnestender@gmail.com  at least al 5 days before the closing date for the presentation of bids as indicated in point 16 of this document.

Médicos del Mundo must reply to their requests for information at least 1 days before the closing date for the presentation of tenders. Clarifications added and minor changes made to in the tender documents must be communicated to all invited tenderers.


  1. Resolution

Médicos del Mundo Spain will have 15 calendar days from the date indicated in point 16 of this document to resolve this tender process; unsuccessful tenderers will be informed in writing of the committee’s decision within 15 calendar days of the definitive date of the contract award.

Date and Signature.


Médicos del Mundo Spain – Syria mission