Food Security & Livelihood Supervisor

Food Security & Livelihood Supervisor

JOB Vacancy Announcement #: 8123

Job Title: Food Security & Livelihood Supervisor

Application deadline: 14.03.2023

Duty Station: Hassaka

Job Requirements:

  • Master’s degree or at least diploma in Agriculture Engineering, Veterinary or similar field.
  • Professional experience (min 3 years) working on agricultural/rural development within rural communities, demonstrated experience delivering livelihood development activities including crop production, animal husbandry, and livestock value chains.
  • Technical knowledge and experience of their respective livelihood sector as listed above.
  • Experience in in-kind distribution (livestock, livestock feeding and gardening materials).
  • Prior NGO/INGO experience of 2 year minimum.
  • Previous experience from working in complex and volatile context.
  • Experience in community mobilization/sensitization.
  • Experience in implementation of emergency/recovery agricultural activities.
  • Experience in implementation of project start-up (area targeting and beneficiary selection process)
  • Communication skills with relevant Local Authorities and stakeholders.
  • Excellent competency in the use of MS Word and Excel, data management, and preparation of quantitative and qualitative documents and reports relating to livelihoods development programming.
  • Detail oriented person, highly organized, systematic working, close attention to detail, strong team leader with excellent communication skills, ability to meet deadlines.
  • High computer skills, quantitative and qualitative data management, analytical, and reporting skills.
  • Solid commands of the English language and reports writing.
  • Good understanding of the context
  • Pro-Active and motivate
  • To travel between organization Hasskah and Raqqa offices (if needed) considering that the organization have targets in both governorates
  • Female Candidates are highly encouraged to apply.

Job Description:

Under the guidance and instructions of the Program Manager and his/her Deputy:

–           Support The MEAL team the conception of initial assessments and the identification of appropriate intervention areas

–           In collaboration with the MEAL team, conduct and supervise assessment, support the data entry and analysis

–           Participate in beneficiaries’ identification and ensure that beneficiaries are selected according to relevant criteria, defined with the communities and the line managers

–           Participate actively in the design of Agriculture and Livelihoods (AL) activities and the identification of suitable implementation methods and give support in the technical aspects of the activities.

–           Bring propositions in the technical aspects of the project and the local practices, according to his/her knowledge and field assessments findings.

–           Ensure that methodologies and project’s objectives are well understood by the AL Officers (and Daily workers if any) and well implemented in the field, and propose adequate adjustments when deemed needed

–           Ensure a good communication toward the project at local level and make sure that the projects’ objectives are well understood and accepted by the communities as well as the selection criteria


With the support of the Deputy Program Manager:


–           Plan the weekly activities including HR needs, material and stock, transport, office work needs, field needs etc, and anticipate the preparation of the needs that implies the support of the support departments.

–           Organize and carry out, with his/her team, tasks assigned by the line managers

–           Supervise and monitor each stage of activity on the ground, ensuring that standards, procedure of SI and instructions from the line managers are met

–           Respect schedules and deadlines agreed upon line managers

–           Identify and report back any problems and constraints encountered during the course of the activities and suggest ways of improvement and problem solving

–           Participate to all necessary needs assessment, follow the evolution of needs throughout project implementation, assess both positive and negative impacts of activities and propose relevant adjustments of project activities and work plan if deemed required.

–           Ensure quantitative and qualitative follow up of activities using management, monitoring and evaluation tools defined by the line managers.

Livestock Component:

–           In charge for the implementation of livestock activities (sheep distribution process, trainings and feeding distribution) in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture.

–           Identify and support para-vets or basic veterinary workers with training and equipment

–           Create a network of veterinarian (para-vet or basic veterinary worker), with breeder beneficiaries addressing animal health services.

–           Ensures proper communication strategies are in place for the projects’ goal and objectives towards the communities, incl. selection criteria.

–           Ensures quality and regular data is collected at field level by his team and participates in data analysis

–           Provides theoretical and practical animal husbandry best practices training to beneficiaries.

–           Provide technical support and guidance to animal husbandry officers to implement and monitor the livestock distribution activities implemented.

Gardening Component:

–           Implement home gardening activities in the framework of distribution of small-scale greenhouses materials and its complementary components, such as distribution and installation of drip irrigation system, distribution of seeds and distribution of gardening tools.

–           Support the gardening officers on conducting Climate Smart vegetable production training to vegetable producers and Marketing officer on providing vegetable production post-harvest handling to greengrocers in the Market, ensuring integration and market development approach.

–           Provide necessary technical resources to support project implementation.


  • Participate in the recruitment of his/her team and in the induction/training/capacity building of the staff
  • Ensure appraisals on regular basis with clear feedbacks and relevant actions plans
  • When recruiting daily workers, follow procedures and directives outlined by the line managers and the administrative service
  • Anticipate and communicate in a timely manner the administrative and logistics needs (transports, material…) to the Deputy PM
  • Ensure that the AL materials are in stock and/or stored in appropriate location in the field
  • Enforce and ensure that safety procedures are followed by members of his/her team


  • Reports every week to AL DPM regarding progress on activities according to format, and contribute to any reporting exercise requested by line managers
  • Report to Line Managers information related to AL activities and security context or any event that may affect SI activities and security
  • Compile programs follow up tools and AL Officers reports under his/her supervision to provide clear vision of the AL activities
  • Ensure an accurate monitoring of the activities in the field and contribute to update standard tools for the collection and monitoring of information
  • As per instructions/confirmation of the line managers, ensure the guidance of the field teams and the definition of the weekly/monthly priorities
  • Participate in meetings on request, and ensure meetings with the officers when required/requested, in order to communicate any relevant information for the implementation and monitoring of the activities
  • Keep and archive activities and data follow-up files in the SI’s office, accessible to line managers and well secured.
  • Ensures close coordination with support departments including Administration, Logistics, Supply and MEAL
  • Establish and maintain good relations with the local participants, communities and follows activities implemented by other organizations in SI’s area of intervention and reports to line managers

Advertiser: Confidential غير معلن

Other Information’s:

Nothing to Mention.

How to Apply:
Please send your CV to the following email/Link:                         

Please consider to mention the advert ID (Above) and the job title in the email subject.

#شبكة _شمال_سوريا