Cash Working Group Co-coordinator

Cash Working Group Co-coordinator

JOB Vacancy Announcement #: 7300

Job Title: Cash Working Group Co-coordinator

Application deadline: 04.09.2022

Duty Station: Raqqa, Syria with frequent travels within NES

Job Description:


  • Provide leadership to the CWG, organize regular meetings and exchanges between agencies and ensure inclusiveness of the group.
  • Draft yearly CWG strategy and workplans, in consultation with stakeholders;
  • Conduct/update 4Ws data collection and analysis with the CWG IMO and Sectors on ongoing and planned cash and voucher assistance (CVA) to inform coordination, harmonisation and complementarity of programming (this includes encouraging cash actors to regularly submit 4Ws information);
  • Facilitate harmonization of multi-purpose cash (MPC) for people in need;
  • Facilitate harmonized and coordinated market monitoring and monitoring of CVA risks and impact;
  • Represent the CWG in relevant sector and ISWG meetings, as well as Whole of Syria fora;
  • Support WoS structure as needed and ensure information sharing, harmonization and cross-fertilization between working groups where possible;
  • Lead the development of the MPC strategy in the Humanitarian Response Plan, and advocate/resource mobilize for MPC in line with strategic requirements;
  • Develop strategies with CWG members, sector coordinators, and donors to ensure that CVA best practices are systematically implemented and updated in humanitarian response interventions;
  • Provide strategic insight on the conceptualization of an exit strategy from CVA, with special emphasis on referrals and alignment with early recovery/stabiliziation/durable solution/social protection initiatives where possible.


 Coordinate the provision or provide directly technical advice and/or network technical requests with potential solutions to CWG members, sectors  on efficient, effective and context appropriate CVA for the affected population;

 Draft MPC and sector specific CVA guidelines, key messages and Standard Operational Procedures as needed;

 Ensure monitoring mechanisms are in place to review the impact of cash interventions and measure progress against implementation plans.

 Develop and strengthen the capacity of national field staff and NGOs, where possible to implement CVA in line with international standards;

 Facilitate a review/mapping of the financial and legal framework(s) pertaining to CVAs and financial service providers within the NES response and advise implementing agencies on opportunities and constraints; collate, review and make available information on financial infrastructure and available delivery mechanisms and advise implementing agencies on opportunities and constraints;

 Assist the CWG, including organisations such as REACH, iMMAP, HNAP, in designing tools such as, market and needs assessment, response analyses, selection of delivery mechanisms and PDM, meta-analyses, and facilitate stakeholders’ access to tools;

 Provide technical support on demand to partners with MPC project proposals in their humanitarian response plans.


 Implement CWG Strategy, including ongoing Sector Outreach, facilitating/supporting the strategic inclusion of CVA and market-based programming into sector response options analyses.

 Provide technical support on demand to sectors on cash and voucher assistance designed to achieve sectoral or multi-sectoral outcomes.


 Engage regularly with donors to gauge appetite and policies related to CVAs in NES and share information with members accordingly;

 Disseminate to community of practice information on compliance and any risk concerns from donor perspective specific to the context of NES;

 Advocate for solutions to ease the punitive effects of OFAC regulations on humanitarian operations in Syria;

 Report on contextual and coordination developments related to CVA to ISWG and NGO Forum as needed;

 Continue/establish connections with other relevant groups in the region, such as the Cash Learning partnership (CALP) MENA, the Syria International NGO Regional Forum (SIRF) and other similar coordination and advocacy groups.


 Report, alongside the Coordinator, to the CWG membership on a regular basis (e.g. quarterly) on the progresses against the agreed Workplan and on other the key developments;

 Contribute to reports produced by ISWG/NGO Forum as needed;

 Collect and promote good practices and lessons learned, contributing to a collection of replicable good practices for CVA and ways forward on coordinating multi sector responses, guidelines, and guidance development.

 Collaborate with IMOs, Sector teams, and ISWG, where possible, on the establishment of standardized data management, data sharing and data sharing systems to facilitate data collection, efficiency in assessment and referrals;

 Ensure that all CVA activities and info products that are relevant to multiple sectors are shared with the ISWG and advocate for action where inter-cluster/sector collaboration would add value to improving cash and voucher programming in NES.


The CWG Co-Coordinator will support the CWG Coordinator in providing leadership to the CWG, organizing regular meetings and exchanges between agencies and ensure inclusiveness of the group. The CWG Co-Coordinator, as a Syrian national, will be representing the CWG in consultations and relationship building with local stakeholders. S/he must remain a neutral and impartial actor at all times in representing the CWG, and in carrying out his/her work in service of stakeholders as outlined below.

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Other Information’s:


The CWG Co-Coordinator will be collaborating and working alongside the NES Cash Working Group Coordinator in service to the CWG. Technical/Strategic support will be provided by the Whole of Syria Senior Cash and

How to Apply:
Please send your CV to the following email/Link:

Please consider to mention the advert ID (Above) and the job title in the email subject.

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