Logistics Assistant

Logistics Assistant

JOB Vacancy Announcement #: 9303

Job Title: Logistics Assistant

Application deadline: November 15, 2023, at 9:00 AM.

Duty Station: Hasake

Job Requirements:


  • Intermediate Microsoft Excel skills.
  • At least 1 year’s work experience with an INGO in a Logistics and/or supply chain department.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • Basic in English Language
  • Fluent in Arabic
  • Highly organized, detail-oriented, and able to prioritize tasks to meet deadlines;
  • Diligent, dedicated, and able to see complex procedures through to completion;
  • Able to communicate complex information clearly, with excellent interpersonal skills;
  • Self-motivated, able to work independently or as part of a team;
  • Excellent writing and communication skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure in a high-pace environment;
  • Good organizational and prioritisation skills;
  • Strong interpersonal skills


  • At least 1 year of work experience with ACTED in the Logistics department.
  • A bachelor’s degree or higher (in mechanical or industrial engineering).
  • Experience or knowledge of one or more of the following areas would be an additional asset: agriculture, construction, food supply, inventory and property management, technology, transport, water, sanitation, and hygiene services.
  • Residence in Hasakeh.

Job Description:

  1. Management and Technical Support
  • Control and follow-on daily basis the performance and work progress of all the storekeepers;
  • Draft the weekly & daily work plan of his/ her department staff.
  • Train the storekeepers and identify any needs of skills reinforcement.
  • Manage the daily workers working in the warehouses.
  • Approve the Monthly Attendance Sheets for the staff under his/her supervision.
  • Follow with generators in ACTED Bases and send reports to his/her line manager of any maintenance.
  1. Trouble shooting
  • Solve all issues or propose solution for problems related to day-to-day operational issues (generator breaks, shortage in supplies, shortage of fuel or water or gaz, etc);
  • Inform immediately his/her line manager of any issue related to safety (fire, accident, etc) or related to security (theft, etc) or with a high impact on operations (repetitive or long delay of a supplier, etc).
  1. Warehouse and Stock Management
  • Ensure that storekeepers have performant and safe storage practices;
  • Ensure that storekeepers produce all necessary documentations related to stock movements;
  • Conduct regular physical inventory of the stock;
  • Follow up the consumption of consumable (tonners, supplies, etc) of all basis and report them to his/her line manager;
  • Carry consumable (tonners, supplies, etc) from Amuda or Hasake offices to all basis.
  1. Asset Management
  • Conduct Physical Inventory of the assets;
  • Realize him/herself preventive maintenance activities, or follow up maintenance activities with suppliers, on the generators and all non-IT assets as per planning;
  • Realize assessments and curative maintenance of assets if needed;
  • Check the fuel quantity stored for generators in each base. Inform his/her line manager to submit Order Form for refill;
  • Check regularly and take picture of the hours’ meters of the generators.
  1. Filing and Reporting
  • Check and scan monthly all Stock Cards, Stock In, Stock Out, Waybills and Packing Lists produced in the month and file them in the server.
  • Ensure that storekeepers are updating correctly the STO-02 and file it in the server;
  • Share regularly Stock Inventory Report and Store Inspection Sheets.
  1. Procurement

Participate to procurement process if required by the line manager (collection of quotations…)


  • % of Titanic reports submit to line manager on Time;
  • Number of asset inventory discrepancies found on the total number of assets checked (%);
  • % of stock and assets cover by an inventory during the period;
  • Number of documents missing and number of feedbacks from line manager on Stock documents;
  • Number of urgent curative maintenance activities needed on assets under his/her supervision;
  • Peers and manager feedbacks at the next performance appraisal.
  • Follow up with generators in all bases.

Context of the position and key challenges

Logistics Assistant has the responsibility to adhere to the PSEAH Policy (Protection against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment). The Logistics Assistant has the obligation to complete all mandatory trainings related to the Code of Conduct and the PSEA policy and report any safeguarding concern such as breaches of organisational policies or codes of conduct according to ACTED’s procedures. The Logistics Assistant carries out work duties in a way that does not harm children, vulnerable adults or other staff or volunteers.


Under the direct supervision of the Senior Procurement Officer, the Logistics Assistant is responsible of conducting activities for the supervision of warehouses, stock, generator, and assets management.

He/she will be responsible of operational management of warehouses, of inventory of stock or assets and of maintenance tasks on asset. Hie/her position is key to ensure respect of ACTED standards for stock and asset management. He/she will play a role in increasing transparency and good practices in the whole area.

He/she will be responsible of activities covering traditional areas of facilities and properties management. His/her position aims to provide all the means to ACTED teams that are needed for good working conditions, while monitoring the use of ACTED assets, stock, and generators.

He/she will be responsible of assessing area of improvements in term of service level as well as in term of cost efficiency.


  • Ensure regular physical control of the warehouses and ensure that ACTED standard practices are respected.
  • Ensure a regular control of the stock and of the assets through inventory.
  • Conduct preventive and curative maintenance tasks on assets.
  • Ensure a smooth accomplishment of diverse tasks related to stock and assets through all ACTED bases;
  • Ensure compliance to ACTED & donors’ procedures in all logistics operations under his/her responsibility and actively promote logistics procedures.
  • Ensure that Storekeepers are fully trained on the following, that procedures are correctly followed at all levels of the mission, and that problems are documented and followed-up against an agreed action plan:

–           ACTED’s Logistics Manual.

–           Specific adaptions for the Syrian context.

  • Follow with generators in all bases, and send reports in advance of any maintenance is needed or regular maintenance of the generators “changing oil, filters, requesting diesel”.
  • Follow with HR team to request the handyman for making small maintenance for the generators “ changing oil, filters, ….”.

Duration          3 Months

Job Starting Date          ASAP

Publication Date           08 November 2023

Type of contract           Full time

Advertiser: Confidential غير معلن

Other Information’s:

Nothing to Mention.

How to Apply:
Please send your CV to the following email/Link:


Please consider to mention the advert ID (Above) and the job title in the email subject.

#شبكة _شمال_سوريا