Child Protection Case Management Officer

Child Protection Case Management Officer

إعلان وظيفة شاغرة رقم:  7136

المسمى الوظيفي:  Child Protection Case Management Officer

اخر موعد للتقديم: 25.07.2022

مقر العمل: Hasaka

متطلبات العمل:

Professional Skills:

  • Degree in Social Work, Counselling, Psychology, Education or other related field preferred
  • 2-3 years of experience in counseling, case management, or other direct support to persons with specific needs
  • Experience in training and/or building capacity of team members through coaching and mentoring
  • Ability to discuss sensitive issues with respect, empathy, and professionalism
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality, respect and non-discrimination, and to prioritize the safety of beneficiaries at all times
  • Excellent organizational skills, and great attention to detail
  • Excellent communication skills and confident interpersonal interaction
  • Basic computer skills and familiarity with Word/Excel
  • Fluency in Arabic and/or Kurdish. Good level in English.

Personal Skills:

  • Demonstrated interest in humanitarian work and supporting people affected by conflict
  • Positive and professional attitude, flexible, and able work under pressure
  • Eager to collaborate with and support people from different ethnic groups and different religions
  • Team-oriented and collaborative

الوصف الوظيفي:


Individual Case Management

  • Identify and receive referrals of individuals and families (including careers) with specific needs who are detected during assessments, psychosocial, outreach and other activities.
  • Participate in rapid needs assessments through field visits in villages, camps and other informal settlements with persons of concern within the community and identify individuals at risk and humanitarian needs.
  • Provide information to individuals and families about their rights and entitlements, including what services are available.
  • Monitor, asses, observe and report on key protection concerns and rights violations in the field to the Child Protection Manager.
  • Directly provide psychosocial counseling and support the coordination of provision of services by other specialized service providers in accordance with the needs of individuals and families.
  • oversee and provide support and supervision for the case workers to effectively manage the foster care families and system in Al Hole Camp.
  • Ensure appropriate monitoring, review and follow up of the services provided to cases.
  • Ensure complete and updated documentation related to each individual case.
  • Be accountable to individuals, families and communities for the services they provide.

Staff supervision

  • Support Case Workers through the provision of technical guidance, and appropriate distribution of tasks within the team. Ensure that staff implement and respect best practices, and IRC protocols for case management.
  • Organize and facilitate case file review sessions to ensure appropriate case management procedures are followed and quality case management practices are implemented.
  • Hold regular caseworker mentoring and coaching sessions, based on identified needs and gaps.
  • Organize case management meetings with service providers when needed.
  • Maintain a positive working relationship within the team, and promote team-building efforts.

Data management and reporting

  • Manage, file and store data, ensuring the confidentiality of the information collected and the services provided.
  • Prepare and submit weekly and monthly work plans in a timely manner
  • Support the implementation of monitoring and evaluation tools and report on problems in the implementation of the program.
  • Lead regular planning and de/briefing meetings to ensure adherence to standards of care, quality case management and reporting requirements.

Coordination and representation

  • Develop and maintain effective working relationship with stakeholders including partner agencies, community leaders and service providers for prompt referral, follow up and information sharing.
  • Contribute to the maintenance of an up-to-date service mapping of the service providers operating in the area and take proactive steps to remain informed about the available services.
  • Receive cases referred from other agencies and allocate those cases among team members. Ensure provision of feedback regarding actions taken to other agencies, when necessary and appropriate in light of confidentiality requirements.
  • Lobby on behalf of individuals and families to access services and support individuals and families to effectively represent their views, needs and capacities in all meetings affecting them.


الجهة المعلنة: Confidential غير معلن

ملاحظات أخرى:

لا يوجد.

كيفية التقدم للمنصب:

يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني /  الرابط الإلكتروني التالي:

مع ضروة وضع رقم الإعلان أعلاه و المسمى الوظيفي  او عنوان الشاغر في عنوان الرسالة (خانة الموضوع).

ملاحظة عامة: معظم الجهات المعلنة لا تقبل التقدم للشواغر إلا بالطريقة الإلكترونية أعلاه.