Education Working Group Information Management Officer

Education Working Group Information Management Officer

JOB Vacancy Announcement #: 6892

Job Title: Education Working Group Information Management Officer

Application deadline: 07.06.2022

Duty Station: Hasakah

Job Requirements:


  • At least five (5) years of experience in data collection and conducting data analysis, either as part of designing and implementing monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) or data management systems, preferably in an INGO.
  • Strong preference for previous experience in education and/or humanitarian programs
  • Computer literacy and competency in use: Microsoft Office software, including some advanced skill with Microsoft Excel and other contemparay statistica managnement softwares.
  • Experience with PowerBi or other data visualization tools preferred
  • Experience applying relevant interagency humanitarian frameworks and standards in Education in Emergencies (for example INEE Minimum Standards)


  • Good interpersonal and communication skills and demonstrable ability to work across different stakeholders taking part in the Education Working Group.
  • Good organizational and planning skills, including ability to manage a number of urgent priorities which arise in humanitarian coordination.
  • Ability to independently and proactively work as a team member with minimum day-to-day oversight
  • A high level of written and spoken English/Arabic/Kurdish


  • Ability to develop and utilize appropriate methods and tools to support high quality data collection and analysis.
  • Proven skills in transforming data to information which is impactful and accessible to different audiences, and communicates to all stakeholders the intended purpose of the data collection.
  • Capacity to communicate this information across a number of different channels and media.


  • Demonstrated commitment to Humanitarian Principles and the Principles of Partnership
  • Commitment to uphold an inclusive approach to the work of the EiE Sector; further, an understanding of the four humanitarian principles as well as conflict sensitivity and “do no harm” approaches.
  • The capacity and willingness to be extremely flexible and accommodating in difficult and sometimes insecure working circumstances.


  • Previous experience with the humanitarian program cycle and/or within humanitarian coordination structures.
  • Knowledge of education in emergencies specifically, conducting research, or monitoring and evaluation.
  • Previous leadership in designing and managing data collection efforts across a range of partner organizations
  • Website development and management, including some level of coding skills

Job Description:

Information Management to support EWG Coordination Functions (based on Humanitarian Programme Cycle and cluster core functions supporting service delivery, contribute to HC/HCT strategic decision-making, develop EWG strategies, monitor and evaluate performance, advocacy, build national capacity in preparedness and response).

Support service delivery, and monitor and evaluate performance:

  • Lead the process to collect inputs from EIE partners for the Education WG Monitoring Tool (ECMT), a 5W (who, what, when, where, and for whom) mapping of service delivery;
  • Train partners, in particular CSOs to enhance their information management and reporting capacity, collecting their inputs, consolidating and cleaning data;
  • Analyse and present ECMT data in clear and concise dashboards to support coordination groups to identify duplications and gaps in service delivery;
  • Manage rapid collection of data for the 4W at the onset of new responses;
  • Develop and support use of joint data collection tools for post-distribution monitoring, survey and focus group discussion templates regarding service delivery, and other monitoring tools;
  • Engage in the regular coordination meetings at sub-national level and national level as to keep abreast of the changing situations on the ground and build a relation with partners
  • Support with translation as may be required.

Inform strategic decision making, and plan and implement an EiE Sector strategy

  • Working with the EWG Coordinator and the Strategic Advisory Group, develop and implement a strategy to keep abreast of Education Working Group needs with a specific focus on the needs of marginalized children, including those with disabilities, those hard to reach and those discriminated by gender or other issues;
  • Maintain an up-to-date secondary data tracker by collecting and analysing reports, articles, and other education-related data;
  • Coordinate primary data collections/ needs assessments to inform sector response planning;
  • Lead the revision and use of the contextualized Joint Education Needs Assessment (JENA);
  • Provide trainings to partners on using the JENA as needed;
  • Provide technical inputs for multi-sectoral needs assessments and support analysis of the results for EiE related data;
  • Support the identification of Ppeople In Need, Eeducation Ttargets, and funding requirements for the EiE EWG in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (Humanitarian Needs Overview and Humanitarian Response Plan)

Build national capacity in preparedness and contingency planning

  • Develop and implement tools to assess partners ‘preparedness and response capacity

Support robust advocacy

  • Support the Cluster advocacy efforts by contributing to the creation of visuals, graphs, dashboards and reports that highlight Education in Emergencies needs of children, including the most marginalized and hard-to-reach ones.


Conduct any other duties assigned by the supervisors


  • Comply with the organization policies and practice with respect to child safeguarding, code of conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.
  • Display neutrality and act as the representative of all Education Working Group members.
  • Develop and maintain a strong and positive relationship with the Strategic Advisory Committee (SAG).
  • Develop and maintain a strong and positive relationship with EWG partners in country and colleagues at regional and global levels.

Advertiser: Confidential غير معلن

Other Information’s:

Nothing to Mention.

How to Apply:
Please send your CV to the following email/Link: 

Please consider to mention the advert ID (Above) and the job title in the email subject.

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