COVID-19 Emergency Response Coordinator

COVID-19 Emergency Response Coordinator

JOB Vacancy Announcement #: 6794

Job Title: COVID-19 Emergency Response Coordinator

Application deadline: 25.04.2022

Duty Station: Derek – Northeast of Syria

Job Requirements:

  • Education:

–        The applicant should have an advanced University degree in Medicine, Health, or a related field.

–        Has In-depth knowledge of the public health situation in NES and particularly the COVID-19 response

–        Preferably has worked in NES health sector humanitarian response activities/programs

  • Experience:

–        At least 3 years of experience in humanitarian coordination and one year of professional experience in public health coordination particularly COVID-19

–        Previous experience in an emergency or conflict-afflicted setting is required.

Work experience must include the following:

–        Strategic planning

–        Facilitating discussions and management within diverse partners, stakeholders, and community groups within the NES- like context

–        In order to be considered, the applicant needs to demonstrate meaningful engagement in working toward improving the health and wellbeing of the NES community

Demonstrated Skills and Competencies:

  • A commitment to the organization’s mission, vision, values, and organization Way – Professional Code of Conduct.
  • Credible written, presentation, and verbal communication skills; ability to convey information effectively and solid experience providing training and staff development
  • Validated sense of professional discretion, integrity, and ability to handle complex situations diplomatically and to effective resolution.
  • Excellent management and interpersonal skills and a solid ability to promote harmonious/cohesive teamwork, in a cross-cultural context.
  • Validated ability to plan long-term, organize priorities and work under administrative and programmatic pressures with detail orientation and professional patience.
  • Highly collaborative and resourceful; ability to establish positive working relationships with senior-level management and all other partners to maximize cooperation and productivity.
  • Curiosity, a desire to continually learn and develop and a sense of humor is a must.
  • Analytical ability in creating effective solutions to complex matters while adhering to labor laws and internal policies.
  • Strong coordination skills.
  • Experience in working in remote environments.
  • Experience working in a team, involving people of different nationalities and/or cultures.
  • Strong skills in data analysis and preferably in relation to health
  • Proficiency in Windows, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)
  • Excellent writing skills
  • Competencies: Cognitive capacity, communication, Teamwork, Action management, Innovation, Partnering, Client orientation, Advisory skills


  • Fluent in English is essential, Arabic and Kurdish are also essential
  • Travel: 15% to field sites in NES as well as attending regional and global workshops and meetings.


–        Updated COVID-19 PRP

–        Monthly COVID-19 situation updates: Dashboard, SitRep or bulletin

–        Field visits and monitoring reports

–        Whenever conducted, assessment reports

–        Meeting minutes for the various COVID-19 task forces and other sub-TFs

–        Donor’s brief and COVID-19 information in NES

Professional Standards:  staff must adhere to the values and principles outlined in the organization Way – Global Standards for Professional Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Accountability, and Equality. In accordance with these values, organization operates and carries out policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti-Workplace Harassment, Respect at Work Fiscal Integrity, and Anti-Retaliation

Job Description:

The COVID-19 response interventions are part of the Health Working Group’s (HWG) efforts in the Northeast of Syria to ensure the provision of lifesaving and life-sustaining health services to those in need. Limited health system capacity, deteriorated socio-economic status, water crisis, other environmental pressures, and continued COVID-19 transmission are just a few of the competing factors that have resulted in increased needs in NES.

With the support of the organization and the NES Forum, as well as all NES health partners and donors, the HWG has established effective coordination and implementation mechanism for COVID-19 response activities in the governorates of NES. Maintaining and strengthening the existing COVID-19 coordination role in NES is critical.

The COVID-19 Response Coordinator will lead, guide, and support the various COVID-19 response efforts in NES and will collaborate with all HWG partners, NES forum, stakeholders, and donors to design and plan all COVID-19 related response and management activities in NES. The incumbent will also make sure to monitor the COVID-19 epidemiological situation and ensure that necessary information and data are collected, tracked, and analyzed to inform and update the response plans in NES.


The fundamental responsibility of the NES Emergency Coordinator for COVID-19 is to ensure effective implementation of the NES COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan. This plan identifies priority response activities as guided by the global COVID-19 Preparedness and Response pillars identified by the WHO: i) Coordination; ii) Risk Communication and Community Engagement; iii) Surveillance, Rapid Response Teams, and Case Investigation; iv) Points of Entry; v) Laboratory Testing; vi) Infection Prevention and Control; vii) Case Management; viii) Operational Support and Logistics.

Under these pillars, the core responsibilities of the NES Emergency Coordinator for COVID-19 include the following:

  • Coordination

–        Overseeing the implementation of the NES PRP and ensuring track progress in all response pillars.

–        Oversee NES COVID-19 coordination groups, namely the COVID-19 Task Force and suggest any necessary ad hoc technical working groups to support COVID-19 response in NES.

–        Co-Chair the NES COVID-19 Task Force meetings with the Health Working Group Coordinator (based on agreed timeline schedule or epidemiological trends), manage discussions among health partners and other key stakeholders on the COVID-19 epidemiological situation in NES.

–        Document the COVID-19 TF meetings minutes and share them with members.

–        Monitor and actively support the technical task forces covering case management, IPC, case investigation, and vaccine planning.

–        Lead inter-hub coordination on COVID-19 in collaboration with the HWG Coordinator through regular meetings with stakeholders including the UN/WHO team whenever required as per the NES HWG guidance.

–        Share the latest information, guidance, and clinical guidelines with health partners especially those related to case management.

–        Make sure that capacity-building activities are included in the COVID-19 PRP in NES based on the specific need assessment of required training for healthcare providers.

–        With the support of the HWG coordinator, engage with the Whole of Syria coordination team to share COVID-19 updates in NES including current response efforts and challenges to explore solutions.

–        Similarly, in close coordination and with the support of the HWG coordinator, the NES forum, engage with donors for COVID-19 related matter and prepare necessary advocacy notes for COVID-19 support

  • Risk Communication and Community Engagement

–        Support RCCE sub-TF to develop and update strategic framework that includes RCCE activities that are compatible with NES population context, culture, and effective risk communication messages.

–        Coordinate Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) work-streams in NES and lead the dedicated RCCE sub-Task Force.

–        Ensure mapping of COVID-19 related RCCE interventions in NES.

–        Suggest and encourage conducting of KAP assessments among the population in NES (camps- non-camp-based) to regularly inform updating the RCCE plans and interventions, especially those around barriers to adherence to preventative measures, reporting symptoms and attitudes of the community toward seeking COVID-19 treatment at the hospital.

–        Engage with external stakeholders, including media outlets and local NGOs, to support mass communication initiatives.

  • External Representation/ work with stakeholders

–        Lead technical engagement with the SA on COVID-19, through weekly meetings with the SA Health Committee (as chair/ secretariat of the Technical Committee).

–        Support area-based coordination through the existing local COVID Committees established across NES governorates.

–        Support overall functionality and strengthen linkages with the central Technical Committee.

–        Develop common approaches and advocate for coherence on the key issue related to the COVID-19 response under the various pillars of the response.

–        Provide updates to donors and other key stakeholders on the COVID-19 situation in NES and preparedness status through HWG.

  • Strategic and Operational Planning

–        Develop and update the NES COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan (PRP), leading multi-sector planning processes.

–        Monitor the implementation of the NES PRP through the development of a monitoring framework and support the establishment of a reporting mechanism.

–        Oversee NES NGO response capacity, particularly as it relates to Case Management (pillar 7), Surveillance (pillar 3), Points of Entry (pillar 4), and Laboratory Testing (pillar 5).

–        Address access issues/ supply blockages that may hamper readiness.

–        Convene relevant technical discussions at the inter-agency/ inter-sector level as relevant (e.g. on testing strategies, IPC in health facilities, RCCE campaigns, camp strategies, vaccine distribution, and delivery, etc).

–        Work closely with the NES Inter-Sector Working Group and NES Health Working Group to ensure COVID-19 is effectively integrated into the HRP and mainstreamed throughout the humanitarian response in NES.

–        Conduct assessment for the current COVID-19 treatment facilities, particularly the ICUs to assess the functionality, equipment, and staffing and identify gaps based on WHO guidelines.

–        Conduct quality assessment, supportive supervision, and capacity building of COVID-19 test facilities staff in NES.

–        Work with health partners to ensure a steady flow of basic supplies for all the COVID-19 test facilities in NES.

–        Explore collaboration opportunities to provide COVID-19 vaccination support to NES including a humanitarian buffer.

  • Reporting and Analysis

–        Draft and disseminate monthly NES Forum Situation Reports on COVID-19, providing key situational updates and outlining preparedness status.

–        Oversee development and maintenance of interactive online COVID-19 epidemiological and response dashboard.

–        Track COVID-response, specifically for activities not already reported under specific sector 4Ws.

–        Support additional external analysis as required.

–        Monitor the COVID-19 lab supplies and make sure timely out-of-stock alerts.

–        Design a tracking sheet for the rapid diagnostic tests at hospitals and health facilities and ensure feeding into the NES COVID-19 dashboard.

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Other Information’s:

Nothing to Mention.

How to Apply:
Please send your CV to the following email/Link:

Please consider to mention the advert ID (Above) and the job title in the email subject.

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