إعلان مناقصة لتقديم بذورات و مواد زراعية Seeds and Agriculture Materials

إعلان مناقصة لتقديم بذورات و مواد زراعية Seeds and Agriculture Materials

Seeds and Agriculture Materials – Syria, Akhasakah City

Tender Issuing Date: 03-February-2022  –  Tender removing Date: 13th -February-2022 @ 23:59pm.

We are inviting all interested suppliers to apply for this tender where Samaritan’s Purse is looking for a supplier to provide various kinds of Seeds and Agriculture Materials in Syria, AlHasaka City.

Please download the attached files: Request for quotation (RFQ), Instructions, Annex 1 Company experience, Annex 2 record and Reference form, Annex 3 List of Details, and Annex 4 Distribution plan.

Submission will have to be done electronically through email spitender@samaritan.org.


لتحميل كافة تفاصيل المناقصة اضغط هنـــا