Programme Officer – Child Protection Monitoring and Resilience

Programme Officer – Child Protection Monitoring and Resilience

JOB Vacancy Announcement #: 6377

Job Title: Programme Officer – Child Protection Monitoring and Resilience

Application deadline: 10.02.2022

Duty Station: Derek / Roj Camp

Job Requirements:


  • Bachelor’s degree in social work, sociology, psychology, law or other relevant field
  • 1At least two years’ professional experience in child protection and/ or working with vulnerable families, caregivers, communities and individuals in similar/equivalent role, preferably in an INGO.
  • At least two years of experience in managing projects, including supervision of staff.
  • Experience and/or excellent understanding of child rights, child protection in emergencies, case management, alternative care, psychosocial support, child and youth development, child and youth resilience and empowerment.
  • In-depth experience of training-development and delivery, including Child Protection.
  • Strong communication and reporting skills
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to prioritize workload
  • Strong knowledge of project management cycle
  • Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
  • Ability to work under high pressure
  • Proactive and punctual
  • Ability to develop information material
  • Analytical and report writing skills
  • Knowledge of referrals mechanisms
  • Ability to respect deadline and work under pressure
  • Adaptability, flexibility
  • Autonomy in work
  • Demonstrated commitment to improving the lives of children in the school and community.
  • Strong skills, and capacity to maintain relations with community leaders, community member members, children and youth.
  • Strong understanding of the situation of children (girls and boys) in rural and urban communities.
  • Excellent understanding of the complexity of local governance structures in NE Syria and other local stakeholders
  • Ability to travel independently, including to rural communities and willingness to change work practices and hours and spend time in the field, sometimes in difficult conditions and with limited resources.
  • Strong computer skills (MS Office, including Outlook for email).
  • Commitment to and understanding of the organization aims, values and principles including rights-based approaches
  • Proficient knowledge of English, Kurdish and Arabic written and spoken

Job Description:

In collaboration with the line manager, ensure daily organization and supervision of the programme activities:

  • Responsible for organising and assigning tasks to the team to the team with clear weekly deliverables Development and timely submission of short-term implementation plans (weekly/monthly) and long-term planning according to annual project work plan and in coordination with appropriate stakeholders to the line manager.
  • Responsible for the availability of the project materials of the team for the field activities through timely submission of procurement requests based on the agreed procurement plan.
  • Participation in required recruitment for field team roles
  • Continuously monitor any changes in the current crisis, work with teams to identify potential solutions and report all relevant information to the line manager and CP Specialist so a joint decision can be taken to modify activities to better meet identified needs and to reach planned indicators.
  • With the team and community structures, help ensure beneficiary identification using an approved selection criteria, suitable sites/location and support and follow-up tools are relevant based on the project proposal and utilized.

Supervise team activities and help ensure the quality of these:

  • Support the identification of beneficiaries and suitable sites/location, design and implementation of Child Protection program activities.
  • With support from the CC Manager, and under the guidance of the CP Specialist, develop, implement and monitor quarterly, monthly and weekly activity plans to achieve expected results. This includes planning of activities, budgets and procurement.
  • Support the CP M&R Assistants in ensuring that the schedules of activities are comprehensive, and take into account gender, diversity and age sensitivities.
  • Conduct trainings on CPiE, Safe Identification and Referral, CFS management, CFS activities, PSS activities, positive discipline (Parenting without Violence/PwV), life skills, child and youth resilience, Psychological First Aid (PFA), Mother-Toddler Sessions and other topics, to the organization staff, incentive worker as necessary and other relevant stakeholders (with the support and guidance of the CP Specialist).
  • Regularly support the delivery of the Child and Youth Resilience sessions, self- protection and protection of peers, program and participate in regular monitoring and follow up sessions with the CP Specialist, to ensure that the programme is implemented up to minimum standards and quality benchmarks.
  • With the support of the Programme team, support integration and mainstreaming efforts between Child Protection and other sectors.
  • Supervise Self- protection and protection of peer’s program, Resilience Program, SAFE and workshops, facilitating parent’s meetings and workshops, conducting field visits to workshops
  • Supervise the work with community based mechanisms (CPCs, Child and Youth Clubs ), monthly meeting
  • Work closely with parents and caregivers on developing their parenting skills through Parenting without Violence PwV common approach, Mother-Toddler and SAFE Sessions, understanding and responding to the psychosocial challenges that they and their children may be facing, and mobilizing to improve community child protection mechanisms.
  • Lead Child Protection Monitoring and Safety Audits based on the tool, collect data on the overall situation of the conflict-affected children and their families in the community, with specific attention paid to the program targeted children and program objectives

Team management:

  • Provide daily guidance and support to the teams under his/her direct supervision
  • Ensure the proper understanding by the teams of the tasks they should carry out and the objectives to reach based on the Logical Framework of the project
  • Identify and share with the line manager and technical specialists the need of capacity building of his/her team members
  • Ensure that operational, administrative & logistics procedures are respected by his/her team members (such as respect of working hours, respect of the use of the material allocated to the team, leave policies, child safeguarding policy, anti-harassment policy, safety and security protocol etc
  • Prepare and conduct regular performance management/review of staff directly managed as per the orginzation policies
  • Help to ensure the respect of hierarchical links and communication channels within his/her team and other staff.
  • Encourage good communication between all members of the team including the organization associates (incentive workers)

Liaison with Technical Specialists:

  • Support the Line Manager with the links with colleagues in and other departments as relevant
  • Work in close relationship with the technical specialists on technical aspects (challenges, “difficult” cases, review of the intervention modality, strategy…), on a regular basis.
  • Ensure the indicators are clearly understood including the tools for delivery and tricked down to all staff and incentive worker in the team for common understanding
  • Participate in a Monthly CP and Case management meeting to discuss internal integration within CP.

Follow up Human Resources, Finance and Logistics:

  • Responsible for line management of Child Protection Assistant(s).
  • In direct link with Line Manager, and with the administration, have a global view on HR needs and issues for the team and activities, be able to refer when needed
  • Identify any capacity building training needs of the field teams and relay these needs to the relevant Technical Specialists and where relevant, support the Technical Specialists to implement appropriate trainings
  • Follow up staff attendance, leaves, and coverage during leave for the staff under her/his supervision.
  • Support disciplinary measures application if needed.
  • Work with the logistics department to organize efficient distributions for all items to be distributed to beneficiaries and doing regular reconciliations of items in field stock.
  • Prepare financial and administrative documentation related to project activities, such as purchase and procurement requests, etc

Monitoring and Reporting:

  • Ensure all field teams are making appropriate records of their activities with beneficiaries (beneficiary attendance and follow-up, referral, etc), and link this information with the data/monitoring in a timely manner.
  • Ensure regular monitoring and reporting of the activities of the field teams for quality and efficiency and ensure appropriate response to the identified needs, with the Line Manager
  • Support his/her teams to correctly complete all the required reporting (statistics, attendance, activity reports, etc.) in coordination with ED team, or other team as relevant.
  • Prepare a consolidated daily, weekly and monthly activity reports from child protection Assistants, and draft weekly/monthly activity progress and other reports, as required.
  • Work closely with MEAL team to ensure quality work and conducting MEAL packages
  • Ensure that issues identified through the monitoring process are brought to the attention of the Line Manager and addressed accordingly
  • Write minutes of all meetings held bi/weekly with field staff and share it with Line Manager.

Professional Responsibilities:

  • Respect beneficiary confidentiality and humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.
  • Respect and promote the organization Policies and report any non-respect of the organization policies amongst the teams or partners.
  • Report any incident or act that causes any harm to beneficiary or to others.
  • Respect each team member’s positions, work, and specialty


  • Ensure that the team members know and follow the security procedures, in collaboration with the LHA team.
  • Inform the LHA team of any security issues faced on the field by the team and keep a clear report on incidents and location of incidents


  • Assist if there is a need in translating when meeting operational staff or external actors (Kurdish/ Arabic to English and vice-versa)
  • Ensure the translation of necessary tools for the NES operations



  • In cooperation with Line Manager, building relationships with relevant Local Authorities, including Humanitarian Affair Offices and Camp Administration, making sure authorizations are obtained for all project activities.
  • Participate in Inter-Agency camp-based child protection coordination meetings are applicable
  • Coordinate with other the organization sectors external stakeholders to avoid overlapping of activities, and ensure harmonisation of schedules, especially with Education.
  • Participate in the organization referral system towards other (I)NGOs and the organization internal departments and maintain a database
  • Participate in kick-off, close out, strategy meetings and camp coordination meetings as relevant.
  • Represent the organization in any other relevant internal and/or external meetings


  • Ensure a strict adherence to the principles of child protection and child safeguarding at all times, including respect for confidentiality and always acting in the best interests of the child.
  • Comply with the organization policies and practices with respect to child protection, code of conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.
  • In agreement with line manager, perform other required duties within reason (in line with skills and experience).

Advertiser: Confidential غير معلن

Other Information’s:

Nothing to Mention.

How to Apply:
Please send your CV to the following email/Link:  

Please consider to mention the advert ID (Above) and the job title in the email subject.

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