إعلان مناقصة تقديم خدمة استشاري لقسم المشاريع النسائية

إعلان مناقصة تقديم خدمة استشاري لقسم المشاريع النسائية

  1. إعلان استدراج عروض اسعار


RFQ # 1913 – 2020 (Women Led Business consultant)


تاريخ الاعلان: …..10-8-2020………


الموعد النهائي للاستفسارات بعد استلام اوراق العرض ومستندات المرجعية: ………..20-8-2020……………….


الموعد النهائي لتسليم عروض الاسعار: ……23-8-2020……………………………..


ترغب منظمة انسانية باعادة استدراج عروض أسعاراستشاري لقسم المشاريع النسائية  تبعا للمعايير المحددة في اوراق المرجعية والمرفقة مع ملف عرض السعر والذي سيتم استلامه من مكتب الحسكة الواقع في حي المفتي بقرب من دوار الطير الجديد ابتداءا من الساعة 8 صباحا وحتى الساعة 2 ظهرا حتى الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض.


ترغب هذه المنظمة بالتعاقد مع الاستشاري لتقديم الخدمات خلال فترة معينة المطلوبة والمفصلة في اوراق المرجعية.


على العارض والراغب للتقدم بملء وتقديم عرضه الى مكتب الحسكة بالاضافة للسيرة الذاتية CV وذلك قبل الموعد النهائي للتقديم. يغض النظر عن اي عرض يتم تقديمه بعد الموعد المحدد ولن يتم اعتماده.




  1. ملاحظات عامة


  • المتقدم يجب ان يقدم بالاضافة للعرض وثائق مثل السيرة الذاتية والمحصل العلمي واي شهادات خبرة ذات صلة ولها علاقة مباشرة بموضوع المشروع وحسب الأصول المتبعة.
  • تحتفظ المنظمة بحق اختيار الاستشاري بناء على السعر وتقييم الخبرة.
  • تحتفظ المنظمة بحق قبول او رفض العروض المقدمة.
  • خلال فترة الحظر الخاصة ب (COVID-19) ستقوم المنظمة بتقديم الدعم اللازم للاستشاري للحصول على الموافقات اللازمة عند الحاجة واذا امكن.
  • ستتم مشاركة الوصف الكامل للخدمات المطلوبة ضمن اوراق العرض بعد زيارة الراغب لمكتب الحسكة.
  • يفضل ان يكون لدى المتقدم معرفة جيدة باللغة الانكليزية .
























Responsibilities and expected tasks from the service provider

Under the guidance of the Women economic empowerment officer the consultant is expected to,

  1. 1. Support the identification and selection of women led businesse This includes, a.    Support in advertisement, and longlisting of potential business
  2. b. Organize business plan competition and shortlisting business c.           Field inspection and reporting
  3. d. Support to organize business plan development workshop and finalize business plans
  4. Support the WEE officer in preparing business grants
  5. Support the WEE officer in financial settlement for grant provided to businesses
  6. 2. Skills development for selected women businesses a.    Prepare training plan for each business
  7. b. Organize required training with the support of service providers c.     Provide mentoring support for women business
  8. 3. Market expansion support for women businesses
  9. Prepare market expansion plans for selected women businesses b.  Identify appropriate promotional activities
  10. Organize market events such as exhibitions etc. as and when required
  11. 4. Coordination and provide guidance to other service providers
  12. Gather weekly  plans  of  service  providers  and  discuss  weekly  achievement  and


  1. b. Provide training to service providers on agreed topics related to business development ser

  1. Support the WEE officer in preparing payments to service providers
  2. 5. Monitoring and reporting
  3. Submit weekly plan to the WEE officer
  4. b. Conduct weekly monitoring visits to women led businesses as agreed in the plan c.  Gather required data and prepare field visit reports
  5. d. Support MEAL department in gathering data from the businesses e.   Support any special surveys or information gatherin

Qualifications Skills and competencies

  1. University degree in Business, Economics, Social sciences, Engineering or another

relevant field.

  1. b. Minimum one-year experience working with an INGO or LNG
  2. At least 2 years of progressively responsible professional experience in working with business initiatives, livelihood etc.
  3. d. Previous experience in providing busines development services such as business plan preparation, market expansion e is advantageous
  4. Basic  understanding  of  the  concept  of  women  economic  empowerment  and

application in the field

  1. Commitment to gender, diversity and human rights.
  2. g. Ability to  work  in  unstable,  uncertain  or  potentially  dangerous  environments, independently and in a team.
  3. h. Excellent animation and facilitation sk
  4. Excellent reporting and data management skills.
  5. Strong coordination capacity and excellent interpersonal communication skills. k. Excellent interpersonal and team skills.
  6. Excellent skills MS Word, Excel, Outlook, Power point.
  7. m. Fluency in written and spoken Arabic and English, Kurdish will be an asset.
  8. n. Pro-active and helpful attitude, ready to take on variety of new ta o.   Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
  9. p. Women are especially encouraged to apply

Terms and conditions

Compensation: Service providers are expected to work a minimum of 7 hours a day. Task completion need to be certified by the WEE officer and endorsed by the Project manager and Program manager prior to the compensation. Compensation can be provided on a monthly basis. The service agreement can be terminated at any time during agreement period.

Work schedule: Each service provider, based on the deliverables below will develop his/her own workplan in discussion with the Training and Capacity Building Coordinator. She will also submit weekly updates and attendance sheet to the Training and Capacity Building Coordinator.

Travel and working space: The service provider will develop a travel plan which will be reviewed and approved by the WEE officer and project manager. Travel arrangements will be made by our organization based on the agreed plan. Working spaces if needed and with prior informing and agreement will be organized in Derek and Hassakeh. In Amuda no such spaces will be available. However, our organization will try to find a space that could be used.

Time sheet: Submit a timesheet showing the actual working days per month, certified by the WEE


Activity monitoring sheet: Submit an activity monitoring sheet showing tasks completed on weekly basis, and signed/certified by the WEE officer


# LEO Task/         Key


Target Sub Activities
1 30 Support    the

identification and  selection of women led businesses. This includes,

Minimum      18       business

identified     and     provided with grants

Support the WEE officer in developing

appropriate contents related GAD inclusive economic governance Support in advertisement, and longlisting of potential                                         business Organize business plan competition and shortlisting                                     business Field   inspection   and   reporting Support to organize business plan development workshop and finalize business                                                plans Support the WEE officer in preparing business                                              grants Support the WEE officer in financial settlement for grant provided to businesses

2 30 Skills

development for     selected women businesses

45 training plans prepared,

minimum 3 type of training organized

Prepare training plan for each business

Organize required training with the support        of        service        providers Provide mentoring support for women business

3 30 Market

expansion support      for women businesses

45        market        expansion


Each          business          had

implemented  at   least  01 market expansion plan

Prepare   market   expansion   plans   for

selected            women            businesses Identify appropriate promotional activities

Advise businesses to undertake at least one market promotion such as exhibitions etc. as and when required

4 30 Coordination

and provide guidance to other service providers

At  least  20  weekly  plans

submitted by each service provider. There will 12 service  providers  at  least.

2 type trainings provided to service providers

Submit weekly plan to the WEE officer

Gather weekly plans of service providers and discuss weekly achievement and challenges

Provide training to service providers on agreed topics related to business development                                  services Support the WEE officer in preparing payments to service providers

Facilitate    key    informant

interviews, rolling profile and client survey for MEL team

Facilitate data collection for MEL team in

consultation with WEE officer

5 20 Monitoring

and reporting

24 weekly progress reports/

field visit report submitted

45 business profiles created

Conduct   weekly   monitoring   visits   to

women led businesses as agreed in the plan

Gather required data and prepare field visit                                                    reports Support MEAL department in gathering data          from          the          businesses Support any special surveys or information gathering

*Note: The total level of effort for the consultant is 140 days in total however level of effort can be adjusted between deliverables/tasks not exceeding 140 days.

Annex 1 Provides a detailed monthly deliverable plan.