Project Officer -CCCM -Community Mobilizer

Project Officer -CCCM -Community Mobilizer

JOB Vacancy Announcement #: (3176)

Job Title: Project Officer -CCCM -Community Mobilizer

Application deadline: 28.06.2020

Other Information’s:

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

CVs should be in English Language and in Word or PDF format.

Job Requirements:        


  • At least 3-year experience in an INGOs and/or International Institutions;
  • At least 1-year experience working in the Communication with Communities / Governance activities in an INGOs and/or International Institutions in a camp;
  • At least 1-year experience managing a team of assistants;
  • University degree in a relevant subject (i.e. social science, public administration, communication);
  • Intermediate skills with the Microsoft Office Suite (i.e. particularly MS Excel);
  • Fluency local language ( Arabic ) and English (i.e. speaking and writing);
  • Ability to translate questionnaire from English to local language;
  • Excellent time management skills;
  • Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;
  • Ability to work independently; o Strong attention to details.
  • Does not reside in the camp or work for another actor active in the camp.


  • 2-year Managerial experience, including leading/supervising staff, report writing, meeting facilitation.

Job Description:


  • Develop/implement/follow-up of an effective Communication with Communities (CwC) Scheme;
  • Establish/Support self-governance structures from the camp;
  • Manage the Community mobilization team;
  • Report on CwC/Self-governance activities to the CCCM Team Leader.


  1. Implement/Follow up all self-governance activities in the camp:
  2. Carry out an effective Communication with Communities Scheme:

o Manage CCCM CwC activities in the camp, including preparing a schedule for broadcasting and ensuring regular recording and broadcasting of awareness messages and public information announcements to the community;

o Engage actively the community in CwC activities through listening groups and FGD;

o Ensure that camp residents feedbacks are trickled up during operational/sectorial/ad hoc meetings and influence the partners’ implementation strategy;

o Ensure immediate action is taken to address camp residents request for information on service provided within the camp;

o Prepare and share with relevant stakeholders (i.e. actors active on site, regional coordination bodies, local authorities) monthly report on CwC activities in the camp, reporting on completed activities/challenges, communicating on planned ones and stress out potential gaps/foreseeable challenges.

  1. Establish/Support site governance structures:

o Manage CCCM Self-governance activities in the camp, including preparing a schedule for community consultation on favoured governance structures, organization of elections/appointment (if required) and draft site governance structure ToRs (if required);

o Develop/provide trainings to the appointed head of self-governance structures in the camp (i.e. Humanitarian Principles, SPHERE Standards…);

o Facilitate the organization / monitor self-governance structures’ weekly meetings;

o Organize community-lead event in consultation with heads of self-governance structures;

o Prepare and share with relevant stakeholders (i.e. actors active on site, regional coordination bodies, local authorities) monthly report on Self-governance activities in the camp, reporting on completed activities/challenges, communicating on planned ones and stress out potential gaps/foreseeable challenges.

  1. Ensure protection mainstreaming through the CwC/Self-governance activities

o Support and consider gender, protection, and GBV concerns in all aspects of activities;

o Adhere and Promot to Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse principles and guidelines (for site residents, ORGANAIZATION staff, partner agencies);

o Support and promote participation of women, youth, and marginalised groups;

o Refer immediately protection cases identified to ORGANAIZATION Protection Officer for referral to protection actors.

  1. Manage the Governance unit:
  2. Ensure Management of CwC/Site governance activities

o Support the CCCM Team leader in devising weekly and long-term work plans for the implementation of Site maintenance activities;

o Ensure regular follow-ups on weekly and long-term work plan implementation of Site maintenance activities;

o Provide inputs for the elaboration of Procurement plans as requested by the CCCM Team Leader;

o Attend weekly CCCM team meetings;

o Flag directly foreseen challenges / issues arise in link with the Site maintenance activities to CCCM Team Leader, including security incidents;

o Attend inter-actor Operational/Sectorial/Ad hoc meetings in the camp;

o Support the CCCM Team Leader in identifying areas for improvement and developing site strategy;

o Ensure accurate record keeping of project documentation, including photos, as requested by the CCCM Team Leader;

o Ensure compliance to ORGANIZATION internal procedures and donor procedures;

o Ensure thorough reporting (i.e. (externally) monthly report Site maintenance activities, (internally) weekly report to CCCM Team Leader).

  1. HR

o Participation in recruitment of new staff, under guidance of the CCCM Team Leader;

o Day to day supervision and management of CCCM Site Maintenance assistants and Site Maintenance skilled/unskilled workers (i.e. attendance sheet signature, follow-up with finance…);

o Commitment to continuous learning through trainings and timely identification of capacity building needs and opportunities, in coordination with the CCCM Team Leader / HR department.

Advertiser :Confidential غير معلن

Duty Station: Raqqa-Abu Khashab Camp

How to Apply:
Please send your CV to the following email/Link:

 Submission of application:

A) fill in the application through applying to the following link”


B) Applications will no longer be accepted after 28 June 2020

Please consider to mention the advert ID (Above) and the job title in the email subject.