JOB Vacancy Announcement #: 3978
Job Title: CCCM-Project Officer /Protection
Application deadline: 8/11/2020
Other Information’s:
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
CVs should be in English Language and in Word or PDF format.
Job Requirements:
NGO experience in relevant field of minimum 1 year. Experience in protection programming is preferred. Experience working with SGBV case management and MHPSS programs a plus.
Experience in working with communities in a humanitarian / recovery context.
Strong human and communication skills. Communicate with impact and respect.
Bachelor degree in social sciences or relevant field.
Job Description:
- I) Identification and monitoring of protection risks and concerns in the camp
Monitor protection issues within the camp and provide feedback to partners based on findings;
Participate in regular spot check regularly and at different times of day;
Conduct regular safety audit – in coordination with protection actors if any present in the camp
Hold weekly focus group discussions with camp residents especially vulnerable groups to identify and analyze protection needs and gaps that exist within the camp;
Participate in the analysis – in coordination with the CCCM Supervisor, Camp Manager and Protection Technical Coordinator – of protection risks and spheres of action where protection activities can be set in to meet the identified risks.
- II) Identification and support to vulnerable camp residents
Ensure that individuals with special needs are identified during camp registration and through door-to-door visit;
Ensure that vulnerable households and individuals receive information on services available in the camp;
Participate with the community mobilization team in the creation of community-based groups to support persons with specific needs.
III) Service mapping and protection referral pathways
Creation of protection referral pathways with map service actors present in the camp;
Ensure that referral pathways are communicated and explained to service providers and camp committees;
Support partners, service providers, camp management committees and CM team to refer protection cases;
Manage a database of protection incidents reported to and by the CM Teams. Ensure the protection of all data in the database;
Inform about protection service gaps during camp meetings.
- IV) Monitoring of protection mainstreaming in camp activities
Ensure regular monitoring of protection mainstreaming during distributions;
Assess accessibility challenges to access services for vulnerable groups/individuals through spot check; assessment, focus group discussion and analysis of complaints;
Support for the establishment of committees for women, youth and persons with special needs within the camp and ensure that meetings are occurring regularly;
Monitor the effective participation of diverse camp population groups in camp activities including in employment opportunities and community social events.
- V) Participate in the facilitation of training and awareness on protection
Participate in the development and/or review of training materials on protection in liaison with the Protection Technical Coordinator and the CM PM;
Facilitate as requested by the CM PM training for stakeholders on protection related topics including;
Support awareness raising on protection in the camp in coordination with the Community mobilization team.
- VI) External coordination
Liaise with partners, service providers and camp committees on protection issues;
Attend all camp coordination meetings;
Attend external meetings as requested
VII) Reporting
Ensure timely weekly reports to the CM PM on protection activities implemented and/or monitored;
Prepare, analyze and record all FGD reports;
Prepare meeting minutes for the protection camp meetings;
Prepare reports as requested by the CM PM
Under the authority of the CCCM Supervisor, the Camp Protection Officer is responsible for the implementation of all technical programs/interventions undertaken by the organization, matching with the quality criteria and strategy related to CBR activities.
The Camp Protection Officer will be responsible for the identification and monitoring of protection issues and concerns in the camp. Based on the identification of protection concerns, the Camp Protection Officer, in liaison with the CCCM Supervisor, will ensure the implementation of protection risks mitigation measures and daily monitor that mitigation measures are implemented. The Camp Protection Officer is responsible for reporting any protection risks identified.
The Camp Protection Officer has an important role to play in guaranteeing protection mainstreaming in all camp activities and among camp services.
The Camp Protection Officer will also be in charge of organizing Camp protection bi-monthly meetings with main protection actors, service providers and committee’s representatives including representative of vulnerable groups committees. The Camp Protection Officer will also be responsible to ensure that a protection perspective is integrated in all camp coordination meetings and other stakeholders’ meetings.
Under the authority of:
CCCM – Supervisor
Camp Manager
Area Coordinator
Deputy Country Director
Country Director
Under the functional management of:
CCCM – Supervisor
Camp Manager
Internal Relations:
Protection Technical Coordinator
CM team
Community mobilization team
WaSH team
Cash team
Distribution team
AME team and Accountability Assistant
FLAT Department
External Relations:
Local Authorities, Camp Management Committees, Service Providers, Camp Residents, Protection Partners
Advertiser : Confidential غير معلن
How to Apply:
Well qualified candidates, including women, are strongly encouraged to apply”
To apply for this opportunity, you are kindly requested to read the following points:
1- Read the job description carefully
2- You may need to create a G-mail account
3- Fill in the job application form through the following link:
Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
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